
My poor fish?

by Guest60276  |  earlier

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I used to have a beta fish that supposedly had dropsy and died, it was given to my mom and we feel sad about it, so how can we avoid our next fish (if we get one) not to get dropsy or get sick?




  1. When you change water, use aged water if has been in your room for more than 6 hours to adjust room temperature and releases chlorines. At night, turn off the light and let it rest. All living beings need to rest to survive, if it hasn't sleep for 3-4 days, it may die.

  2. im sorry ):

    but it was a mistake and you just need to take it as a learning experience for your next fish.  to avoid this from happening again try to let the water sit out for a while to realease chlorine and make it room temperature so the fish doesn't go into shock due too the water being to hot or too cold or just a drastic change in temperature from the water it was previously in. also don't over feed him. try about four to five pellets once a day. thats usually what i feed my betta. they also like blood worms. but those are more of a treat every once in a while, not an everyday meal. maybe once a week or so. hope i helped good luck with your next pet (:

  3. well, dropsy is a disease a fish gets from bacteria, easy ways to avoid it is,

    1) make sure the tank is clean! they can get it from poor living conditions

    2) make sure they have a good diet!

    3) make sure they have the right living conditions!

    this does'nt eliminate the risk of dropsy, but it significantly reduce the risk of dropsy.

    the symptoms of dropsy are:

    bloated body and protruding scales

    there is a antibiotic for dropsy but its not likely they will survive if you dont catch it soon

  4. ohhhhh i feel so sorry for you i feel the same way the same thing happened to me im so sad and for the dying problem....

    at the store you can get fish medicine and you drop it in the water but dont use too much and or if your fish is not sick im so srry bout ur beta too


    x johnna
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