
My poor hamster needs help :(.......??

by  |  earlier

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i have a new baby teddy bear hamster that's maybe 1 month old it's a little smaller than an egg.....anyway i was holding it and it jumped and fell on the wood floor. we picked him up and put him in the cage he was limping...he tried to climb the tube and fell down...he went to the other one and now he is siting in it i think he might have 1 or 2 broken legs :( what to do?? my mom won't let me take it to the vet i need help, how long will it take to get better what can i do??? hes just a baby and i'm worried he will fall asleep and wont wake up...i think he MIGHT have some internal damage. all help apreciated!! thanks!!

P.S. don't say u have to take it 2 the vet




  1. Check the leg out your self. Go to google images and type in broken hamster legs and compare. try cuddling with it to and maybe ice its leg a little.

    Good Luck

  2. You're going to have to tell your mother you ABSOLUTELY need to bring it to vet, otherwise it will die... its just inhumane and cruel.  Ask her why if its money, maybe you can work out some sort of doing chores agreement, offer that.  

    Try to be careful with those things, they are fragile.

  3. I recently had an experience that was similar however it's a guinea pig. any how my nephew threw the poor thing and he landed hard. Well I put him back in the cage. The next day I noticed that he was'nt using his back left leg. I was going to take him to the vet but I did'nt. It took about three weeks of him draging himself with his front legs, but he seems to be fine now. So I think your little guy might be ok he's light so not alot of a heavy impact when he hit the floor probably just soar let him rest.

  4. To be honest it is probly just stunned.  Depending on how far you were when it hit the ground.  You could take it back to the petstore you got it and let them know something is wrong with it and you don't know what, and they should take it back. I know we do, and I am a PetSmart Pet Care Specialist.   If it is broken and you have the animal with other hamsters, the other hamsters will know if he is sick or mamed.  And they WILL attack it.  They will kill it..   Please trust me.  So make sure you move it away from any other pets.  Hamsters are adorable and fun and sweet, but they are also MAJOR carnivores and eat the young and sick.  Give your hamster some time to see what happens.

  5. If you and your mother were not willing to pay for him to have a vet, you should NEVER have brought him home.

    What you are doing can be considered animal abuse, whether you mean it to be or not.

    Tell your mother it is time to take him, then either leave him at ANY vet to be euthanized or adopted- vet's choice.

    He should not be staying in a home where possible broken limbs and internal damage are overlooked.

    Feel free to thumbs down or report me, or tell me I am rude, that's fine.

    Doesn't change the fact an animal is in pain.

  6. i let it sleep and left it alone for around a month. it slept all the time and wasn't even up at night. if fed it in its nest and it slowly got back to its old self. i would talk ur mom into calling a vet in the future if you can though. just don't move its legs and let it stay comfy which means don't hold it or play with it at all, leave it alone completely and feed it in its nest. DON'T DISTURB HIM unless ur taking him to a vet.

    DONT LISTEN TO THE ONE THAT SAYS IT WILL DIE!!  thats not for sure, mine lived!!!

  7. you can examine it by looking at any swelling of the legs, separate it from the others if you have more and put pressure on the leg/legs and see if there are any broken bones, if there are call your local vet in the morning and see what they say, ask all of your questions. it is best if when you seperate them dont have anything it can climb on, maybe like a hut and a soft fabric.

  8. well the only way is to take him to the vet. srry

  9. im sorry  but if you dont take it to a vet it might die. call the vet and ask wat to do. if that doesnt help you might wanna donate to the animal society and tell them you cant care for the animal anymore.

    juss pray S/HE will get better. :(

  10. Make sure to read as much factual information online to know how to care for the hamster in its condition.

    Place him in a soft and gentle bedding and remove wood chips if you're using that because the hardness and sharpness can be very distressful.

    Separate from any other animals present in the cage or around to give it rest and peace.

    Contact a veterinarian for tips on how to care for him.

    Read books that will aid you in that.

    Give the hamster softer food so it can be easily digested and so it wont get pain when it bites his food from muscle contraction.

    Make sure the food is high in vitamins and minerals; it's key for a hamster to heal, just like what we would do when we're sick.

    Please consider it like a relative has injured him/herself. Don't disregard it because it's just a pet.

    Animals have feelings and feel pain and we may not know of it.

    Explain to your mom that this is very important in order to keep your hamster alive and do take it to the vet for examination.

  11. calling the vet's a good idea, and try to get your mom to understand that he needs to go. If not, keep him as still as possible, take all the running/climbing things out. Tubes, wheel, ladders, upper levels, even his house, if he has one. Make it so that his cage is flat, nothing but food and water in it. Put extra bedding in, make it really really thick. try putting him in shallow cold-ish, almost warm water, but dry him really well. When you think he's starting to get better, let him swim, not just wade, in warm water for small periods at a time. It's the best way to let animals, and people to build up strength in their legs after they were hurt. Good-luck!!

  12. oh boy..that same exact thing happened to my friend..

    it died,sadly..she had two hamster they both died. dnt worry though cause hamsters die easily thats why i dont like them.

    hers died the next day in the afternoon. but seriously dnt worry tooo much if it dies. my friend did, nd she didnt relly care when the second one died. its just like whatever. they all die easy.

  13. Taking it to the vet is the only way, if you care enough you won't mind spending about $50 to get it checked out.

  14. Seems to me that everyone's answer is "take it to the vet!".

    Well excuse me, but I wouldn't be willing to take a $5 pet to the vet and have to pay $50 or more for it to "most likely not" be healed.

    The best thing I think you can do for her is to seperate her from other hamsters you may have and leave her be. Move her food and water closer to her house so she doesn't have to walk too far. Cross your fingers and hope for the best. Sorry to hear she's hurt. =(

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    ***** In addition to my response, a vet won't do anything for it. I had brought my hamster who had a broken leg to the vet once when I was young and all they said was the same thing everyone else is saying (seperating from other hamsters, no toys, close food and water, soft bedding, etc). They can't put a cast or anything on her because she'll just wriggle out of it and it puts even more stress on the animal. I can almost guarentee that any vet you go to will say "leave it alone and let it heal by itself". So NO, I'm not being "cruel" and "inhumane" by saying leave her alone (seriously, get over yourself). It's what all the vets will tell her.

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