
My poor new rabbit, what would you have done ??

by  |  earlier

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ok so i travelled an hour to purchase a belgian hare.. was told he was all ok, very friendly etc..

so i got there and the rabbit was extremely skinny, has white lumpy sores over the back if his neck, and clumps of fur missing.. i was so dissapointed. but at the same time i felt i couldnt leave it, i felt so sorry for him.

so i took him. i also have anther belgian hare, and it is not anywhere near the new one just incase there is something wrong, the new one is going to the vets tonight for an allover check up.

what would you have done??? would you have taken him?




  1. It was really good of you to take him even though he wasn't in the best condition. Honestly I don't think I would have done it. I think you should take him to the vet. It sounds like he is sick. Definitely don't let him near the other one until you can figure out what is wrong. Maybe he is just stressed out and needs some time to adjust.

  2. i would of took it to because this sounds like these people where miss treating it and by the sounds of it you have a very big heart so you did the right thing in my eyes hope he gets better soon

    Ashlie x

  3. I probably would've done the same thing. I wasnt even in the market to get a rabbit but I have 2 now. One day i went to my friends house who I hadnt seen in about a month. The last time i saw her she mentioned something about getting a rabbit. When I was at her house I asked if she had gotten one yet, she said yeah, she's in the back room. I went to check her out, and found her in a tiny, FILTHY cage, no food or water. I took her out and my friend commented that that was the first time she'd been out  of her cage in weeks. I went over a few days later and found her again with no food or water. My friend told me that they had ran out of food for her a few weeks earlier, and were just giving her carrots. She asked if i wanted her, I didnt really want a rabbit but i couldnt keep her in that condition so I said sure. I was planning on dropping her off at the humane society. On my way there I started thinking, what if she ends up in an even worse home? I ended up keeping her. I gave her a bigger cage, a new name, and bought her proper food. She had major trust issues for months after that. She was nice to me but she'd attack anyone who stuck their hand in her cage. it's been about 3 years now. She's a sweet heart now...I think she's forgotten her past life.

    (she's also a bit of a diva now.. she's clearly got no fears of ending up back in her old life style. I ended up with 2 because even though she was 100% better off than she was before, I still didnt like her having to be alone when I wasnt home to spend time with her, so I got her a buddy)

  4. I would have taken him as you did, then I would find out what is wrong.  After that I would decide if that breeder is abusing those animals and report them if that is the case.  Something doesn't sound right.  Was it a breeder or just someone who didn't take care of it and didn't want it anymore?  If it was a breeder maybe all the rabbits are contaminated and they just want their money for them.  You did the right thing though, you saved that little ones life and now you can bring it back to good health.  Good job!

  5. I would not have taken him.I know u felt sorry for the creature, but it is sick, and u dont know what it may be carrying, and in a way didnt u feel tricked by the person or place that was selling him to u. I mean since u  already have him, take him to the vet, but u should not have taken the hare in the first place.  

  6. I'd have taken him. Your doing the right thing by keeping him away from your other rabbit and taking him to the vets. Stress to the vet that the rabbit was in someone elses care. I bought a poorly pregnant rabbit a few years ago and she turned out fine.

  7. you did the kind thing but I hope you have some sort of receipt so you have proof of purchase and can report this idiot to the authorities.  I would have called the authorities right away.

  8. i would have taken him because i would try to help him

  9. you did the right thing. I have two rabbits one was a rescue she was dumped off very sickly (snuffles and pasturella) in a pet shop because after the kids played football with her a few times she wouldnt let anyone touch her.... She had big dogs pouncing all over her cage and the poor thing was terrified! seeing as they couldnt put a sick bun with the rest of the herd I went home built her a cage then went back and I took her home. Its been four years now and she has recently broke down and will come up to us and let us pet her. =]

    rescued animals love you more i think they sense that you helped them and the bond is always amazing

  10. I would hve took it to make it better the owner should go to jail for animal abuse

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