
My poor rat has a bulging, bleeding, lump on her right paw......?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do? i am unsure about taking her to a vet because i dont know a good place to take her. it could be a tumor but i heard that tumors don't bleed... it could also be an abscess but it keeps getting bigger! i am rally scared for my poor ratty friend!!! i dont want to lose her so soon!!! please help me out!!!




  1. take your ickle rat to the vet. i feel so soz for it.

  2. This could be bumblefoot. The difference between tumors and abcesses is this- Tumors feel attached to a mucsle and abcesses can move around and are somewhat solid but somewhat squishy. If this is bumblefoot you need to get her into a vet for antibiotic. Infections in rats can kill them. Bumblefoot is hard to treat and painful to the rat. But treated now is better than later. Tumors dont bleed and abcesses when they bust will have a very foul smelling green pus come out. Just take her to the vet.


  4. Sounds like bumblefoot but best see a vet.  

    If it is the vet may give you pain meds for the rat.  I've heard a mixed response about it being painful or not, I have had a rat with bumblefoot and I can tell you that I sought lots of opinions from both vets and other rat owners, and after studying my own rat it didnt appear that he was in very much pain at all, i could handle his foot, treat it regularly, he'd walk on it fine.  

    Squeezing it or operating on it will most likely make it worse.  

    My boy had bumblefoot for the last 9 months of his life.  He was happy and healthy.  To care for him i covered any exposed wire in his cage with plastic mats then soft towels on top.  I kept the cage clean and when it bled, i made sure the cage was cleaned immediately.  Towels and bedding were soaked in hot water and disinfectange or antibacterial soap.  

    If your in america you may want to try a product called Blu-Kote which is put on the skin (used on livestock) or I was actually recommended to use a dog ear treatment called Zymox Otic.  Unfortunately I am in Australia and we dont have that here.

    You can try using natural remedies such as medi honey on it or antibacterial things like Betadine.  

    A vet may prescribe some antibiotics to try and treat it too.  

    Hopefully its not a tumor :)

  5. I had a rat that had a similar thing...and he died within a few got worse and worse!The doctor said it was an abscess(an infected area) and it turned into septicemia(an all-over the body infection )that destroys all organs and is a very very painful way to die,,,Vets can be so darn expensive(if only they weren't)but it sounds like your poor suffering Rattie-Pooh WILL die if she/he doesn't receive some antibiotics really soon!!!And pain-killers too!!....Best Of Luck To You And Your Poor Rat       :(

  6. take her to the vet!!! its the best chance you've got!

  7. Rats are very prone to tumours and cancer, and this is probably what your pet's problem is. If the tumour was cut on something in the cage it will begin to bleed. Look for a reputable exotics, small animal, or cat vet in your area. Take her as soon as possible, it's the only way to help her, and it won't cost much! I hope your ratty is going to be okay!

  8. This could be a mushroom tumour. they do often bleed and have the appearance of a mushroom, often as if the area exploded and popped. Gross but common with small animals. If it is this type of tumor, they are usually removable. Take her to a vet knowledgable about rats

  9. Where is it? Is it at the heel? If it is, it could be bumblefoot.

    More on bumblefoot:

    You need a small animal vet. Check the recommended rat vet lists:

  10. if it is an abscess you can use warm water and antibacterial soap to wash it out but you really should take your friend to the vet just incase they need to give your friend an antibiotic shot.

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