I held an IT Programmer analyst position when my former company started to evaluate global sourcing possibilities.
Couple months ago I received a notice that my position is being eliminated and within 60 days I would be re-assigned to a different position which wasn’t known nor guaranteed at that time. They also announced additional waves of layoffs to arrive by the end of year, basically until then I would have some kind of job/position, but after that nobody would guarantee it. So instead of waiting and dealing with the uncertainty and possibility of losing my job or being reassigned to a lower position than the one I held, I looked around, found another job and gave 2 weeks notice to my manager.
One month later I get a bill from my former employer asking to repay my education assistance reimbursements I received in past because I have voluntary terminated my employment.
I technically may have resigned, but not voluntarily. I was forced to leave in away considering the facts above. On the other hand I think that they should be thanking me for leaving under ‘no terms’ and without a severance package, especially with future announced layoffs. I believe that other companies offer their employees buyouts or other incentive packages in similar situations, and yet, I get a bill from my beloved employer for leaving them. That is just not fair, I feel let down by the system.
Can they really do this? Do I have any case here?
Please help. Thanks.
P.S. I live in the state of Ohio.