
My posts to a yahoo group are being flagged as spam and must be approved for posting by the moderator. Why?

by  |  earlier

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The moderator of the group doesn't know why this is happening. I don't think it's anything he's doing.




  1. Just check to see if you are writing from the same ID as entered in the site.

    One of my group members did that. Mailed from a gmail ID that she actually uses and gets all mail through POP.

    All her mails ended up in Spam till I approved of them.

    After I accepted 3 times they became regular. She may have also changed some settings. I had alerted her.

  2. Yahoo obviously doesn't know why either, since the spam filter still is faulty! there's no true reason to explain why non spam posts of regular members are caught in the spam folder- the only thing I can detect for one of my members is the light gray color of font they use.

    as long as the spam filter is faulty, and on, this is going to happen not only to you, but others. only choice is to turn it off, or keep it on and approve them. even if the group doesn't moderate new members posts, the chances of that filter catching real spam is zilch. it doesn't work right- turn it off

    How do I turn Spam Filtering off?

    Here’s how to turn Spam Filtering off:

    From the list on the left, click Management.

    Click Messages under Group Settings.

    Click Edit next to Posting and Archives.

    Select Off under "Spam Filtering".

    Click Save Changes.

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