
My pot bellied pig wont SHUT UP!! HELP...please =[

by  |  earlier

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i just got a pot bellied pig recently and my mom said shes either in my room or outside,i really want to keep her in my room but at night she snorts non stop!! im a REALLY light sleeper so ive had to sleep on the couch the last 4 nights,she never sleeps at nights she just snorts, what should i do,and why wont she sleep at night? any ideas? =/




  1. she might be uncomfortable in her surroundings? have you tried sleeping with her? having her next to you might calm her down. especially if shes just a piglet. when you go to sleep tonight try to take her in your arms and calmly pet her until she false asleep. Puppies do this all the time. they need the sound of a heart beat and a warm presence to fall asleep.

    but if her snorts is her actually snoring best of luck! i would invest in some ear plugs

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