
My pregnancy tests keep reading not pregnant, but i would like to ask women that have been for their opinion.

by  |  earlier

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on July 26th i had horrible cramps and a light blood flow, it was only spotting and it was a light red. it lasted for about 2 days and then it stopped. from what I have looked up this very well could have been implantation bleeding.

since then my b*****s have started to hurt. some days they hurt more then others. a few days ago they were really sore on the sides, almost under my arms. my left breast is more sensitive then my right is tho, and they feel heavy.

i have a lower back problem so its hard to tell if my back hurts from that or not.

i was really bloated a few days ago but since then im not as bloated and my weight has gone back down on the scale.

i get out of breath doing simple things that never used to get to me, for instance i was walking thru the mall the other day and i was getting out of breath. and im not out of shape.

some foods have started to taste differently to me, almost as if my taste buds are just tasting different flavors in things.

i took a home test this morning but it was negative, which i expected. i have spoken to a few nurses but they aren't very helpful so i just wanted to talk to regualr every day people that have been thru this and might be able to tell me something helpful that i havent heard or looked up on the internet because this waiting game is really hard to deal with.




  1. Ask for a blood test,

    I had a period on the 20th of june which lasted 2 days and was more pink than red.

    The 22nd of july i tested for pregnancy and it was negative,

    A blood test on the 24th gave me a HCG level of 21 which doubled twice over a day and then doubled again,

  2. Hi! I am in a similar position but I have been pregnant before and thought I would know the next time. I had 3 mornings of period pains and some spotting but my test was negative and I am not due until the 9th either. I have learned from last time that it is best to wait until after your due date before you do your test. I know it is hard but last time I did 2 tests before I was due and they were negative the one I took 1 day after my due date was positive.

    Regarding the other pains I think it is different for all of us but the mind can create a lot of things.

    You would also go to the doctor and ask for a blood test if you can't wait!

    Anyway Good Luck!

  3. If you have not missed your period yet you may be testing to soon your symptoms sound like you are Oreg while they could just be symptoms of your period I would test the day before using the morning urine because some women are sensitive and they don't get the hcg level high enough to use those test early kits I know it suck to wait but it looks like that what you are going to have to do or go to your dr for a blood test and that would tell it for sure I hope this help and good luck on the baby!

  4. well i'm actually going through similar stuff but minus the blood from what i've heard and read... sounds like good news however alot of the symptoms also favor pms (yes i know that sucks doenst it) i was told to wait till the actual missed period and test again. sometimes it takes awhile for the hormone to show up enough. a friend a few months ago tested on missed period showed up neg. and still didnt get af for a week tested again and was pos. so that is still hope for us :) good luck and hopefully this will be both of ours month  

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