
My preschool is going to be in an apple blossom parade and the theme is "Golden Glamour" do you have any ideas

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My preschool is going to be in an apple blossom parade and the theme is "Golden Glamour" do you have any ideas




  1. teach, thats a great idea. in fact, along with that, i think it would be even funner for little toddlers to sprinkle out candy to the audience (try not to eat as much though!)

  2. Another idea is to do something with the "golden rule"

    and have kids with signs about ways to treat others nicely that they've learned in preschool.

  3. r u in preschool

  4. Can your preschoolers hold up "large" ABCs in bold block letters that are all sprinkled with gold glitter.  They can walk in the parade singing the ABCs and other alphabet rhymes and songs.  (maybe tape a letter cut out of cardboard to a ruler for each student to hold up?)

    How fun!  The sparkly letters would be great out in the sun.

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