
My private info appears in search suggestions!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Well I typed my name (nearly unique icelandish name) and it + some disturbing terms appeared in the suggestion box, I don't know who could have done that. I think this feature is great for online bullies and I'm really angry about this, as I don't want to have such lies about me there!! This is really sad...

-What can I do?

-How long the keywords will be there?

-Is every keyword put to Suggestions?

This is not nice. :(




  1. One thing you never do is put your personal information on-line or anywhere else where someone from any part of the world can see it.

    Remember if there is anyone around the world that can have access to a computer and they can do any kind of damage they would do it.  Talking from personal experience, this past week I had to call a computer tech. to come to my house and fix my computer because it had many viruses the #1 was{the Trojan horse} that is this device that comes through your computer every-time a window comes up and says{your computer might be infected would you like a free scan?} If you click yes or even X it out it still does damages in your computer. So the tech said the best way to actually get rid of these things is to click ALT F4 every-time a window pops up that you are not familiar with.  there is also something called SPY this is someone from another place in the world that is reading every information you put in the computer, and checks every-time you get in and offline.  Be really careful and don't put any personal information on line, maybe you should contact a real computer tech or get a really good Anti-Virus

  2. I don;t know. Usually its your answers that come up when you search your name. I have heard of it before but no solutions yet.

  3. Here are pages on Search Suggestions

    And a suggestion forum

    And contact customer care here

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