
My problem is i take criticism too seriously... and sometimes i respond emotionally rather than rationaly.. wh

by Guest63158  |  earlier

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My problem is i take criticism too seriously... and sometimes i respond emotionally rather than rationaly.. wh




  1. For starters..seems to me that your issue would be low self esteem.  If you hear something and you take it shoud say something to the that they can clarify what they meant.

  2. You could be Schizotypal, (look it up)  this condition stems from childhood suspicions of people in general,it is learned behaviour,

    I have this condition.

  3. Maybe you need to differentiate between constructive criticism & someone purposely putting you down

    Constructive criticism is good ~ put downs are just bad, no-one needs that in their life.

    The next time someone criticises you ~ take a minute to reflect on whether they are really trying to help you with something or whether they are just bad put downs....If it's constructive...Listen to them & realize they are just trying to help. Take on board what they say & use it in a situation that calls for it.

    If people are just giving you blatant put downs, best to ignore these ones as they may just be trying to get a reaction out of you ~ As unfair as this sounds, some people in the world get off on making other people lose their cool & react.

    By the act of not reacting to their jibes, you will foil there attempts & they will soon grow bored of trying to make you lose it & move on to someone else.

  4. people who criticize are just jealous....unless of course, it is constructive criticizm in which case they want you to improve. in a good way :)

  5. It is normal to be offended when someone insults you.  The thing you have to think of is not to give them control over you.  Those that criticize to make themselves feel better are trying to control you, by controlling your emotions and reactions.  I don't think it has to do with you insecurity.  It has to do with theirs.  Once you realize this, you can easily walk away from someone who makes rude comments.  Also, if it is someone in  your family, you just limit the time spent with that person.  If it is a friend,  you find new friends.

  6. Because you are insecure. If you were wearing a purple shirt and I told you that your yellow shirt is ugly, you wouldn't think anything of it. However, if I told you that your purple shirt was ugly, you would get mad.

    This is because there is a real or perceived element of truth to it. The shirt wasn't yellow but purple, so when I said purple, you actually believed the criticism and got defensive.

    You need to believe in yourself and stop caring about what other people think. This usually comes with age and emotional pain. Just remember that other people don't matter. Find something that gives you confidence in yourself and your decisions.

    Also, control your emotions. They never lead to anything good. Think logically and restrain yourself.

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