
My problem is quite 19 year old friend loves to have s*x with young girls under the age of 15.?

by  |  earlier

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He feels that there is nothing wrong with this and plans to continue until he dies. When I asked him why he does this he simply says "the innocence of youth is more appealing than the moral bar set by society".....whatever that means. He thinks that there is nothing wrong with his actions. He brings home underage girls all the time and makes me feel uncomfortable when we invites them to hang out with us. And he always puts on an Elton John album to seduce them. What should I do to stop this immoral behavior?




  1. ew

    the girls under the age of 15 are so stupid


    just call the cops

    what a bad friend

  2. If you are  hanging out with him while the underage girl is with him you may be complicit. Be careful. I think I would have the obligation to report him.  Lives are at stake.

  3. Call the cops on the pedophile.

  4. hes him to the cops

  5. Unfortunately, this is not a unique problem.

    What your friend means by "the innocence of youth is more appealing than the moral bar set by society" that he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    He doesn't care about the young girls he is raping. Legally, an underage girl cannot consent to s*x (with a man 18 and over). Society has set not only a common moral code which all citizens "should" follow, we have also set laws to enforce this moral code. Your pedophile friend has no regard for either that moral code, the law, the girls, or you.

    And even YOU could be potentially charged with depraved indifference. Because you knowingly allow these girls to be victimized, in your presence.

    My advice, inform the girls and their parents about this guy's behaviour. There will be plenty of people willing to bring charges against him, if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself.

    It's best if you don't keep this criminal as a friend for too much longer.

    Good luck.

  6. there isn't anything u can do the guy is a potential pedophile and needs help which he won't get cuz he thinks it is ok until one day in a few years he'll get caught and have to get hlp  I wouldn't worry about it

    what u can do is not hang around him when hes with the too young kids. u may lose a friend but if hw is a real friend he won't hang out with young girls when hes vivsiting u ......eventually hes gonna mess with the wrong child and end up in jail !!!!! again not your fault  

  7. Your 19 year old friend is gonna end up in prison!

    It sounds like you share a house or appartment or something.  I'd get another place to live or you could be implicated in the rape of underaged girls.  

  8. This young man is a paedophile, call the police, what he's doing is illegal.

  9. Call the cops. He's a perv and a pedophile. He could go to jail

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