
My professor told the class to visit fox news and The Drudge Report?

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for articles, how do you feel about these websites are they bias? I went to the drudge report. com and it seems they are for McCain, what do you think are these good websites? thanks for your time




  1. Fox and Drudge are Republican mouthpieces.  Shame on him. Teachers should keep their political opinions to themselves.

  2. I agree with Andrew B

    C.S., your sites are biased too, they are just biased ina diffrent way.

    I like to get both sides of the story.

  3. there is no such thing as a non-biased news source  

  4. Yeah, basically tools for conservative and republican propaganda. Tell you teacher you should be ashamed for spreading that trash.

  5. Whoa!

    I can't believe it!

    A school teacher telling students to watch FOX news and to check out the Drudge Report.

    Has he been baned from the teachers lounge or brought up on any charges yet?

    This is a story in itself!

  6. well, visit other sites or at least in addition to the recommendations.

  7. those sites are rightwing garbage

    hopefully he advised them for not just an "exersise" in critical thinking but a HIGH IMPACT WORKOUT!!

    real news:

  8. I guess it would depend on the context, on what the purpose was of the professor sending you to those sites.  You won't get a balanced view if the news because they both tilt heavily to the right.

  9. why not MSNBC, CNN  or Headline news, your professor is wrong to do that everyone knows Fox is a Republican news channel

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