
My programmable thermostat goes through batteries too fast, is this a wiring problem in my furnace?

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I have an oil burner-forced air furnace which was installed with an old style thermostat. I exchanged the thermostat with a programmable one with no problems. 1 year later, the batteries (3 - AA) inside the thermostat went dead and I replaced them. Then the next set were dead in a matter of weeks. Since then I cannot keep up with the batteries in this unit.

I did try another programmable thermostat, in case the stat itself was faulty, but came across the same problems.

Do I have a wiring problem at the furnace?

I have two wires going from the furnace to the stat. Every function works when the batteries are installed and fresh. I have checked the transformer on the furnace with my voltmeter and all is good( i think). 119V coming in and 26.7V out.

Everyone I ask says it is the thermostat, but I am not convinced, Since I have already purchased two units and both failed the same way.

Is there something else to check on the furnace or my house wiring?

Am I going crazy?




  1. Scott is spot on. My thoughts exactly

  2. Might be the batteries... If you're using rechargables then they deliver a lower voltage so don't work for some appliances.

    You could also try contacting the manufacturer of the thermostat.

  3. Are you using cheap batteries?

  4. Could be the thermostat requires rechargeable ni cads.

    Mine does.

    Would check first.

  5. Check the wires that go into the thermostat to make sure they are putting out power with your voltmeter.  Additionally, check the connection to the thermostat to ensure it is snug and secure.  It sounds like a classic case of the power feed not being connected to the thermostat.  The batteries in the thermostat are really only there in case of a power outage as a courtesy to remember all of your programs.  If it loses power from the wire, it will think there is always a power outage.

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