
My prom is in 30 mins!! i cant dance!?

by  |  earlier

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all i can dance is arabic belly dancing nothing else and the music at the prom will be all hip-hop what shall i do?




  1. Shake your body and bootyi.

  2. Go with it i take it you are in america?

    Go watch mtv or any music channel and just do some slides, go down low and learn to balance right, dont show off but do some basic dance moves.

    Even if you repeat the same moves all night just go with it, we can all do anything we want if you put your mind to it.

    Good luck and i hope you succed and get some better answers lol


    Idea just come to mind

    If you listen to hip hop choose a song you really like (rhythm is a dancer) and just move to it how you want, but go with the music.

    Hope this helps you good luck and you will be fine

    I have my fingers crossed for you

  3. i cant dance either i just move my body anyway i want to the music there is no defition of dancing i find its what you make it lol just do what feels good and have a great time x

  4. well you have left it a bit late honey!!  just watch other people & copy'll be fine - have a great night!!

  5. it must all be over by now then.  As long as you look great, just hang on to your partner & smile a lot.  and at a prom it should be so crowded that no-one notices what your feet are doing.

    always worked for me ...................

  6. get on stage and show off your belly dancing skills!!!!

  7. chances are most of the people there CANT dance so just have fun and be goofy who cares .. its only prom or you can look at what the other girls are doing ad copy them ..

    do the belly dancing tho man ppl will LOVE it !! and wish they could do it and it might help your dancing confidence you know

  8. Don't worry I'm sure your beautiful,just enjoy your self,Its your big night the dancing will just come naturally,have a good night, i would of loved to have a prom,i live northern Ireland.

  9. it dosent matter just be yourself no1 will hate u for it

  10. wow hip-hop at a a dress! yh gawd thts hard, i feel for you......but i cant dance either so grab a friend and just go with the flow lol

  11. That sounds well cool! Well I can't dance either I just tend to kind of sway from side to side haha it's no big deal just copy what everyone else seems to be doing.

  12. Just move your hips left and right and you'll be alright.

  13. don't worry! just see what other people are doing and have fun w/ ur friends! it'll take all the fun out of things if you worry! i bet not that many ppl know how to dance there 2 :) i hope this helps and good luck !

    p.s.  prom is SO much fun!

  14. well you've obviously got rhythm.just go with it you'll be fine.

  15. Just get up the slow dances and side step

    or just step in time with the music and copy the moves of people you think look good and get reapeating that move until you find another one.

  16. Sit down all night (Y)

  17. just watch what others are doing. Feel the music and it will guide you..move to the sound. Seriously, its not hard to do you'll be surprised just relax and don't try too hard. there is no text book way to dance..just move.

    have fun and don't worry about dancing otherwise you wont experience the prom.

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