
My property foreclosed and the sale date is aug. 19, 2008, when will they lock up the property?

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Is it safe to stay until Aug. 16, 2008 and not worry coming home with your belongings locked in?




  1. How could someone come in on aug16th and change the locks on a property they don't own until the 19th? does that make any sense ?

    Once the sale happens someone may buy it or the bank may buy it back. either way if your still there so they will have to evict you. you should be good until at least the 23rd. if not longer.  

  2. It probably varies by state, usually though a date is given to you by the sheriff's department of when you need to be out.  I would get moved out as soon as possible just to be on the safe side.  

  3. This answer to this question depends entirely on your state.  Try calling your local law school to find a free legal housing clinic in the area b/c you need to talk with an attorney.  They will know your state's laws and whether it would be days or months.

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