
My ps2 makes a funny noise when i play game ?

by  |  earlier

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i cant tell weather it from the ps2 or the game inside it starts it stops when i whack the top of it




  1. It''ll stopaltogether you continue thumping it.. Clean your disks, or the lens..

  2. You have dust either on the vent on the back of the PS2 or inside of the disk tray, first wipe the back of the PS2 off properly with a damp rag, then open the d**k tray and get a cue tip and properly clean your disk tray, if that doesn't work then you will want to go buy a lens cleaner at your local Wall Mart or some other store of that nature (more preferably something that has a little more to do with games) then clean your lens  

  3. can u open it? if u can open it ,  just clean it .only dust in site :)

  4. Try cleaning it, Check it out on you tube, loads of geeks showing you

    Either that or save up for a PS3 it will blow your

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