
My ps3 games freeze but my ps2 games play fine. ?

by Guest67091  |  earlier

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Well the problem is with my ps3 games, they load fine, the system reads them and they even play for little bit, but then they freeze. Im thinkn i need a ps3 update.My latest update was the 2.40 version, will i need the 2.42 version to play them.




  1. i dont think soo.. are your games scratched?

    if not just download the update

  2. Install 2.42. 2.40 is a trouble maker. You can get this update from your countries Playstation site. Then, on flash stick or externall HDD, create a folder PS3 with subfolder UPDATE (everything in caps). Insert the media into PS3, choose update from media in Update menu. Don't turn off PS3 while updating.

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