
My pug's nose is dry and keeps getting dryer. I made a vet app. last week and it's for the 15 of September?

by  |  earlier

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What can I use in the mean time to help to get it wetter? The lady I talked to to set up his appointment said to use Vaseline, but I don't like the way it dries on his nose.

Does anyone have suggestions? Thanks




  1. never heard of a vet  like this, get a new one and soon.

  2. I think the only way is to use Vaseline. It keeps the nose nice and moist. It might be annoying to clean the nose after, but it's better then leaving it. He might get a scab.

  3. What kind of a vet is this???? You need to take the vet to the emergency if it's sick, not wait two weeks.

    Is the dog eating? Is it acting fine? Is it playing? Is it fine otherwise? If he's not well then... Vaseline doesn't help!!!

    Wash his nose off and give him water and take him to the emergency clinic or call his vet again and just go right in.

    Be sure to provide plenty of water. If the dog becomes lethargic or looses it's appetite take it to the vet right away.

    Good luck.

  4. give it plenty of water and keep it out of the hot sun.

    good luck

  5. Your vet sucks. Or you need to set up an earlier appointment. Make sure he has plenty of water. Go to the pet store and see if they have any moisturizer for dogs.

    Sorry I couldnt help more

    Good luck

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