
My pug bit a rattt! helppp im severlyy afraid?

by  |  earlier

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i was watering my roses when i pushed something with the hose water!

it was a rattt

a split second later my dog runn bites it and runs!

i finally get it out of his mouthh after spraying himm

the rat looks normall no cuts

but im scareddd of rabbies

o and shes on her periodd too

the rat was like half a foot long!




  1. bring the rat to a vet to have it tested for rabbis and maybe u'll have to bring in ur dog to be quarantined but if ur dog didnt bite threw the skin it should be ok anyway

  2. your pug with have rat babbies.....i have have seen it before. im so sorry

  3. Take her in to the vet, and have her vaccines done - a quick rabies shot will protect her, and you can discuss if there might be others that would be appropriate, as well.  Leptospirosis might be one to repeat, as well.

  4. Well, take her to the vet.

  5. The dog bit the rat not visa versa..I doubt your dog got rabies. I would assume your dog has had a rabies shot anyway so if she was bit, she should be fine..It might be a little gross and traumatic for the rat, but thats what dogs do..They chase and catch things..Dont worry..

  6. rats with rabies are extremely rare calm down nao

  7. If she's up to date on all her shots, she should be just fine. Might want to take her to the vet though, just in case.

    Also, dogs don't have periods. They don't have a menstrual cycle. If you didn't know that, I suggest you have her spayed.

  8. wait did the dog bite the rat or did the rat bite the dog??????

    I don't think a dog can get rabies from biting a rabid animal tho.

  9. Well, your dog should be UTD on everything and if that's the case then you have nothing to worry about.  If you haven't vaccinated your dog then guess what... You just put her life in jeopardy because you were irresponsible.

    Oh, and get her spayed!  She doesn't have her "period", she is in HEAT.

  10. keep a look out for any changes in her behavior.  is she up to date on her rabies shots? have you called a vet? of course foaming at the mouth is a clear sign that something is wrong, but definitely call a vet.

  11. The dog should have shots

    Rabies is transmitted if the rat bit her. No blood on her, she is fine.

    Get her her shots anyway

  12. Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of an effected animal. Biting the animal shouldnt do anything. Take your dog to the vet just to be safe. He could have picked up something from the rats blood.

    Dr. Dog

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