
My pug was running and playing and now shes hacking?

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She didnt throw up...she just keeps hacking...sounds like a hairball..shes only been doing it a few times in the last hour or so?




  1. It's cause Pugs can't handle excitement or heat any more. They've been bred with short faces and soft palettes so t's hard for them to even play or run without finding it hard to breathe.

    Also maybe she got a bit of stick caught in her throat if she was playing with a stick?

  2. My kids do that when they play. Its kind of like when we run and your throat gets dry and you need a drink of water to wet your throat down. If she doesn't want water then try giving her an ice cube.

  3. Maybe she drank water and it went down the wrong tube. My pug max sometimes does it when he chokes himself on his water if he drinks it too fast. If it last for a little while longer, i would take her in to a clinic. Also check her mouth and see if there is anything in there to make sure she is not trying to hack up any toy parts or something.

  4. I'm sure she's fine. Mine do that all the time. The best I've been able to figure is that since they are pretty sedentary that it is a shock to the system when they decide to be goofy.

    If you are still worried, take her temp. As long as it is below 102.5 and she isn't actually vomiting, you're likely in goo shape.

    Good luck!

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