
My pup got very aggressive during the 2 heaviest days of my period - is this normal???

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My 4 month old pup, who I have only had for 3 weeks got very aggressive during the first (heavy) 2 days of my period. He was barking at me and nipping and me and full on biting me where i have bites on my arms. He usually follows me around and I was suprised when he did this. Is this what pups do or could this be something else. He was only like this with me and not my husband. Any ideas???




  1. If my dog did that to me it would be gone fast...if he keeps it up when your done then I would get some help or give him away.  


  3. The dog can detect the hormonal change, and if he hasn't been with you for very long, he doesn't understand whats happening to you. Its a natural reaction, and as he grows older and gets used to you and your natural tendencies, he'll be fine.

  4. Dogs have a keen sense and can detect the hormones. Pretty cool actually. Have the dog fixed it helped my dog stop the nuttiness on that particular week

  5. First you could get him neutered.

    Second, if he does it again turn away from him and ignore him. When he stops praise him. (be careful though-it depends if he's trying to play or if he's being aggressive)

    Third, If he has a crate, the moment he gets aggressive say "no" and put him in his crate (kind of like a time out.)

    Also he's in a new household. He may just be getting used to you. As you get to know him you'll know what direction to take when disciplining and training him.

  6. It may have just been a coincidence, or he could have been reading you if you were particular *itchy those days.  They can detect our moods and behave accordingly.  I agree with the other two posters though, he could also have detected the hormone changes and also the smell of blood.  

    Regardless, you should NOT let him behave in this way toward you or anyone else.  No matter what!  Having him neutered may help, also you need to correct him if he acts this way again.  He is showing dominance toward you and that is not a good thing.  

  7. The hormonal changes disturbed him, is all.  Probably confused him, more than anything.  If he tries nipping again, give a short, sharp squeak to show it hurt, then turn away from him till he settles down.  On the whole, though,  I would expect him to get used to it, after a little while--couple of months or so.

    Also, don't use the stern voice, since this is not really a matter of correction.  The ouchie will be much more effective, believe me.

  8. Ha ha my friend had the same problem but with american bull dogs and her mom took them to the vet and it is just her dog knows something is different. Good luck! OH maybe when he bites you get a stern voice and say no but NEVER HIT HIM. Just when he bites you take his muzzle and say no but not to hard.

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