
My puppy caught his fang tooth and tore it out will a new one come back?

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My puppy caught his fang tooth and tore it out will a new one come back?




  1. It depends if it was the baby one.  If it was his adult version, no.  Dogs only get two sets of teeth.

  2. no its gone for good,my niece by playing tug and Pull with my dog pulled his out,never grew back in,sorry...

  3. Dogs loose puppy teeth and grow in permanent teeth the same as humans do. If he is under 5 months and he hasn't lost that tooth before then yes he should grow a new one in. However if he is over 5 months old or that was his permanent tooth than the answer is no..

  4. Depends on whether it was a baby tooth. Dogs have milk teeth same as humans. They're smaller, less sturdy, and sharper than adult teeth. His tooth might have been loose because it was getting ready to fall out anyway. Puppies generally start losing their teeth between 5 and 7 months old. Just wait a while and see what happens.

  5. well this depends on whether it was its 1st or 2nd set of teeth. if it was its 1st set of teeth i wouldn't worry about it. if it was its 2nd set then i think your gonna have a gappy toothed dog. however i strongly believe that it was a 1st set because adult teeth wouldn't come out that easily =]

  6. If it was his puppy tooth, the first set they get, then yes his new adult tooth will replace it.

    Puppies lose their milk teeth at 4 - 6 months of age and they are replaced with their permanent adult teeth.

    If it was his adult tooth then no, it's gone forever.

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