
My puppy has 2 spots under its chin and i don't know what they are should i take her to the vets?

by  |  earlier

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One is a lump that keeps growing it is about the size of a 5 p coin now, it is like a growth under the skin and its not red. The other is a bit like a bite its very small and bright red with a small white lump on top and she squeals whenever you touch it. They are both under her chin, i am quite worried as she is only 15 weeks old.




  1. Take her into the vet ASAP. Hurry it might be mange, or a tick or a tumor GOOOOOOOO

  2. Yes, going to the vets would be a good idea.  It could be puppy acne.

    Scroll to the bottom of the above site for the article

  3. It is always a good idea to take your pet to the veterinarian if you suspect anything that may not be normal. Even if it turns out not to be harmful to your pet, the non painful visit associates the vets office to be nice instead of just taking in your dog when she needs shots or something painful done.

  4. You should have it checked by a vet.  But just to ease your mind in the interim it could just be a sebaceous cyst and nothing to worry about.  Both my yorkies have had them, one as a pup and the other as he gets older.  

    Humans can get them also but not from dogs

  5. my little dog had this and it was where the hairs grew out ofher chin, just pop along to the vets just incase it is somethign more. but yes a trip to the vets is in order!  

  6. ew

  7. i think you should just call your vet and say what he/she says

  8. Our lab (5 yrs old) had this once and it turned out to be "doggie pimples", but have your vet check it out to make sure it could not be something worse.

  9. Call your vet and make an appointment ASAP.  These lumps need to be checked out.  The one that is painful is more than likely infected and will require antibiotics.  Infection in any dog is not good, but in a young pup can be very serious as it can become systemic much faster.  Don't risk her health...and go!

  10. take her to the vet. it could be a harmless bot fly larva ( a mosquito bits and then the bot fly lands and plants a larve on the fresh bite wound. the larve grows and when it is mature it crawls out. it leaves a pretty ugly whole but unless it gets infected it won't hurt the puppy) or it could be as serious as cancer. you don't want to take any chances

  11. Yes, that is not normal.  Your puppy will also need to have vaccinations now too so you can make one trip to the vet to get all of it done.

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