
My puppy has diarrhea and she's coughing?

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My 13 week old German Shepherd puppy started having pudding-like diarrhea a couple of hours ago. She has also been whining all day and seems depressed, which is unusual. She has also been coughing a lot. Her appetite has been fine and she's drinking plenty. I'm planning to take her to the vet in the morning but I'm wondering if this sounds like anything life-threatening. She has had all of her vaccines but I don't know if that means she could still have something bad.




  1. If you haven't already I would call the vet and ask if you need to bring her in ASAP instead of the morning to be safe.

  2. Just because she has had all her vaccines does not mean that they worked. Lets hope she does not have parvo. Depression is one of the symptoms of this disease so is diarrhea. If a puppy comes down with this, one day she can be running and playing and the next she can die. So take her to the Vet asap.  

  3. She should be ok until tomorrow as long as she is drinking.

    TAke food away until after the vets to allow the tummy to rest.

    keep an eye on her and get her in as early as you can tomorrow

  4. Your Vet should have an after hours/emergency number that you can call. I would call it and explain the symptoms your dog has. Let the Vet decide whether to get the puppy treated tonight or tomorrow.  

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