
My puppy has gone phyco after my Dad stuck his nose in his poo after he pooed in our kitchen?

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He pooed in the kitchen, peed, and ran away from my dad when he came. When he found out, he grabbed him, pushed his nose in his poo, he did it again and he screamed twice. I think it was wrong but my Dad told me it would teach him a lesson and he would get rid of him if he pooed again, because he had pooed in the house a lot even though we were holding them and taking him out every two hours. My sister dumped canola oil on him, and I tried washing it out with water, and it didn't come out. I decided that him having canola oil on him once would be ok. She thought essensial oils would make him smell better, so she took him out of his cage and poured a lot of lavander oil on him. I took him out of his cage to snuggle, and he is totally disconnected from me. We were bonded so much, and now he will run away like he does from my Dad. I'm just petting him a lot, but I took him out side to play, and he ran away like he had never done before. He will try to jump out of every body's hands, and I don't know if the petting is working. My Dad wants him to respect every one, but I don't know if he did the right thing! I feel so sad. Help.




  1. pushing nose in poo is very old and wrong way for teaching CAT.

  2. yeah - you all have pretty much abused that poor puppy.  what your dad did is disgusting.  lavendar essential oil could really make your dog super sick, too.

    sounds like you guys don't need any pets.  your dog is scared of you all.  he is a little bitty creature who doesn't understand why he is being treated like he is.  

    you all have to regain his trust by being loving to him, not by being mean.  if your family can't manage that, then give the pup away to someone who will treat him right.

  3. According to the pet book, they said no matter what, don't beat your dogs when they do something wrong. Just say "No," Really sternly and it might work. However in this state, you've got to get closer to him again and you might be his best friend again. After being best friends with your dog, when he poops in the kitchen again, say "NO!" sternly and if that doesn't work, I suggest you disallow him to enter the house but stay in the garden or his basket.  

  4. this is how to help your pup

    your dad is WRONG - infact this often results in more messes or dogs that EAT their own p**p!

    incidentally better food = LESS p**p

    so you might find this link good also

    I dont think you guys should have gotten a dog.. but read the first link - and train the dog the right way!

  5. Your dad did not do the right thing and your dog did not know. First you should talk to your dad about the way he treated your dog beacuse if he keeps on doing this your dog wont get any better and will just be afraid. So try a much gentle way with your dog by punishing it and whatever you do dont yell maybe say no and bring your dog to that spot. Here is a way to make sure your dog does not do it again you should bring him outside to go to the bathroom the correct way and when he goes say time to go now or something like that and give him a treat and he might under stand thats the time to go and alway take your dog out after every meal to go to the bathroom when you wake up and before he goes to sleep that might help.

  6. Oh my. Don't put oils meant for humans on your dog. They can irritate his skin. You took him out to cuddle? So he is in his cage until you feel like giving him attention? Don't ever shove your dog's face it it's own waste, there are so many other means of correcting your dogs bad behavior. He also wouldn't know what he did to deserve such treatment. That's horrible!

    Just petting doesn't show love. My suggestion is find the dog a new home or start accepting him into yours enough to of researched proper ways to train and bathed/make him smell good. That goes for your parents too.

    A dog isn't a's a family member. If this doesn't apply to him from

    your view or your parents then maybe he should be in a home that does and takes the time and compassion to work through the bad things the RIGHT way and love with all of their hearts and not just their hands.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  7. I don't understand - how old is your sister? why would you dump canola oil on a puppy? Am I missing something, I kinda confused? I'm not sure, but I would have thought essential oils would be horrible for the pups skin, you might want to take him to a professional dog grooming service or something to get all that horrible oil out.

    You do need your puppy to respect you, but you have to earn respect, and that won't come from punishing your puppy - he won't understand, the poor wee thing.

    I really hope you sort something out soon, or you might have to do as others have said and find a new, loving home for your puppy

  8. I think thats so childish for a grown person to do that to an animal. If you have an animal in your house, they are going to use the bath room in there at some time or another. I think its stupid. And if your dad took a c**p and then we shoved his head in the toilet, would he like that? ask him that. And you dont put anything on a dog that isnt made for a dog. So the essential oil is crazy. it could harm his skin. This is animal abuse in my opinion. And I think your puppy knows that too. Keep him away from those people! you know that what they are doing is wrong and stand up for it.

  9. Aww... That poor puppy!!

    Thats the worst thing you can do in the training process. My mom use to do it. Only worked for one dog >_<

    But... anyways no i'd never do it. When the puppy does something wrong... just kinda ignore it and go one with what you were going to do... Like for example.. walk your puppy to the door and go to open it and it pee's cuz it wasn't out in time... Calmly clean it up... and take the puppy out side. DON"T scold.

    I'm unsure with the oil. You should no the dogs have there own natural oil. Some dogs produce a certain oil that has a smell... not nessasarly stinky just a funky smell. I know peke's have that kind of oil so i bathe my mix about once a week or once every 2 weeks.

    Well good luck! You shouldn't get rid of him cuz he craped in the house. Ask your dad if he got rid of you when you were a baby and craped your pants? Hmm...

    Well if he's being raised around agry people all the time... he'll be afraid or when he's older he'll catch on and possibly have behavioral issues. I suggest that you talk to your parents about it and make them hear ya out... OR you take care of your puppy properly and take consicuenses for its actions. Better yet... Give it to some one who wont abuse the poor thing. That'll be the best you can do and you wont regret it!!

    (I'm 16. Got a puppy a few months ago cuz i lost a best friend of 10 years due to illness. Yea he's a little S*** sometimes but i love him very much and idk where i'd be today if i didn't have him. Everyone makes mistakes. Puppies depend on you to show them whats right and wrong. Just like babies)

    Good luck!

  10. I'm sorry to say this but your puppy is more likely abused because of  your dad and your have to let go of your dog to someone who will love and care for him.

  11. It doesn't sound like ya'll should have a pet in your home.

    He is scared. Poor puppy.

  12. Your dog is having trust issues at the moment. He may not understand that rubbing his nose in poo is the answer that your dad is excepting. I have 3 dogs and my little terrier peed on my floor once and (mind you she was potty trained) well I scolded her and ever since then she pees every time she thinks she's in trouble. So yes it has to be a trust issue. Also why would your sister dump canola oil on him? that's just wrong. No wonder he wont come to any one he's terrified. I hope I helped you some

  13. If your dad disciplined him right after he pooped and peed in the kitchen, then it was the right thing. It's way better then hitting him. However, if it had been awhile and your dad disciplined him, the puppy wouldn't understand and would probably just be frightened.

    Praise him when he goes to the bathroom outside as this will encourage that behavior.

    Your sister should stop dumping stuff on him. Dog's have very very sensitive noses so anything like that will really bother them. If she does it too many times, she could alienate him  It's probably scary to him to have strange scented liquid poured all over him. If she wants him to smell better, she can buy dog shampoo and give him a bath.

  14. My dad used to rub our dogs noses in whatever mess they'd leave in the house and then put them outside.   It never once traumatized the dog.   And if you can't get it to not c**p in the house then maybe he should get rid of it, I mean living in a dog's personal toilet is disgusting so I can see why he'd be upset about that.   My guess is pouring the oil over him upset the dog more than rubbing his nose in poo once.   You'll have to work to gain the dogs trust back.   Good luck.

  15. Your puppy has no idea what he did.  All he knows is that all of a sudden one of those giant human things grabbed him, yelled at him and stuck his nose in poo. Then another human thing grabbed him and poured smelly, wet, oily stuff on him.  Then still another of those giant Human things grabbed him, and tried to drown him (his point of view) with soapy water.  This is a baby.  Get a book on house breaking.   Sometimes people have a hard time giving up old ideas like rubbing their nose in it and if your whole family doesn't agree to treat this baby with the love and respect that he needs and deserves, Find him another home.  .  

  16. You people are traumatizing that dog.  Please bring him to your humane society where they'll find him a good home.  

    Your "dad wants him to respect every one" ????  Nothing you've done to him will make him respect you.  He'll only be afraid of you now.

  17. All abused dogs run away.  Give your dog to someone who will treat it right.

  18. idk if that dog can stay wiht u if it does that all the time ur dad will just get even madder

    i think u might have 2 do wats best and let that dog go so it doesnt get into more trouble with ur family

  19. Hollie you have to look at your situation from your  Puppy' perspective. He must think your Dad went Phyco! You didn't tell us how long you had your puppy?  Sounds like you were making progress with your little guy.He felt secure & loved until your Dad AND your sister interfered.

    I strongly suggest that if you plan to keep the puppy then you should "take the leash" & tell the rest of the family to back off.  Your puppy is now frightened of people and very confused.  He just doesn't understand why everyone is treating him so mean.  Your Dad says he wants respect-but it's a two way street.  Like people you must respect your dog (no more hitting, smooshing his face in his pee & poo,dousing him with oils etc.) if you want to be respected.  My Bichon pup has accidents too.  You have to be patient & consistent with your training techniques. Never. never let your puppy be treated like that again by your Sister & Dad or you will end up with  an aggressive dog  with major issues, Being a dog owner is a life-long commitment.  If your family continues their absurd training; be responsible and do the right thing. Find him a family that will take the time & train him right.  Don't want to sound mean but maybe then you can get a kitten & a litter box.  Good luck and remember his life is in your hands.  

  20. give that poor creature to someone else who won't treat him like c**p. atrocious and horrible!

  21. every time he runs away take a branch an beat him with it... then he'll learn not to run away... just remember, dogs are not people... its fine to hit them and set them straight in anyway you can :)

  22. Your puppy deserves a better home and people who actually love him. That is no way to treat a puppy, or any dog for that matter. You may have scarred him for life. I don't blame him for trying to get away from you all. Puppies p**p. Puppies pee. Puppies chew. Puppies smell. Puppies bite. Puppies WILL be puppies. If you can't handle it and can't treat one well, why in the world did you get one?

    Your dad was wrong. Your sister was wrong. You were wrong for not stopping their cruel actions. Now, do the right thing. Give this puppy to someone who actually cares about him instead of forcing him to stay in a home where he won't be treated well. If you really care, you won't keep him in that type of environment.

  23. your dad did not do the right thing!!! animals have emotions and what your father did was degrading and cruel. may i also mention that you should never put iols or essential oils onto an animal. it makes me ill to think how somepeople treat pets but you seem to be kind hearted. you have to ask yourself if your family should really have a dog.

    the puppy is probobly very scared of humans at the moment and the only way around this is lots of tlc and time. eventually he might come around but dont break his spirit. there are other ways of disiplining.

    good luk

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