He pooed in the kitchen, peed, and ran away from my dad when he came. When he found out, he grabbed him, pushed his nose in his poo, he did it again and he screamed twice. I think it was wrong but my Dad told me it would teach him a lesson and he would get rid of him if he pooed again, because he had pooed in the house a lot even though we were holding them and taking him out every two hours. My sister dumped canola oil on him, and I tried washing it out with water, and it didn't come out. I decided that him having canola oil on him once would be ok. She thought essensial oils would make him smell better, so she took him out of his cage and poured a lot of lavander oil on him. I took him out of his cage to snuggle, and he is totally disconnected from me. We were bonded so much, and now he will run away like he does from my Dad. I'm just petting him a lot, but I took him out side to play, and he ran away like he had never done before. He will try to jump out of every body's hands, and I don't know if the petting is working. My Dad wants him to respect every one, but I don't know if he did the right thing! I feel so sad. Help.