
My puppy has tapeworms?

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I got a 8 week old female chihuahua/min-pin mix this past saturday(8/23) and she's only had her first set of shots, but when she goes p**p there's tapeworms in there. I'm wondering if I should take her in to get checked out or if it just take a little time for the first set of shots to work?




  1. As already stated, you need specific meds for the worms, not a shot.  The shots are vaccinations against viruses and diseases, not parasites.  

    You will not have to bring the dog back to the vet, but you should bring a stool specimen. My vet charges about $18 for the analysis and they can tell in less than an hour (depending on how busy), exactly what this infestation is.  

    It is certainly not an emergency situation, but it does require timely response given how young your dog is.  The dog can suffer from dehydration or malnutrition if not treated as well as can pass on to other dogs and humans so be sure to wash your hands well and any indoor area that that dog defecates.

  2. If she has not been treated specifically for tapeworms, you need to take her back to the vet. There is a special dewormer for tapeworms, and they will not go away without treatment for them. You need to take her in very soon.

  3. No, you need to take her to the vet to get a pill. Shots will not help.

    Once your pup gets the pill, later on that day she will p**p them out. You will see them, it looks pretty gross. They are white, long and flat looking.  

  4. Her shots will not change having tape worms.

    Tape worms are typically gotten from fleas - so you also need to be making sure that she is fleas free - so that she don't get reinfected once she is wormed from them.

    You need to contact your vet.   Assuming that you are positive they are tape worms and not another type of worm - you may be able to have you pick up a Rx at the office or may need to see her.  Many of the medications that are given for other types of worm infestations do not cover tapeworms.

  5. The shots aren't for tapeworms. She needs an oral worm medication. It will kill the worms and she will digest them within a couple of days. Since the vet just saw her Saturday they might not need to see her again, just call and tell them what you saw and ask if you can pick up the medication. Keep her free from fleas as well.  Don't delay, because when she defecates she is passing sacs of tapeworm eggs. Larval fleas eat the worm eggs and if the dog eats a flea that's biting her, the cycle starts all over again.

    Edit: Yes that medication will work. Here is a link to an informative article about dog worms:

  6. shot are NOT for worms,

    your BYB/puppymill dog should have been wormed by the person who bred it..

    get to the vet for worming medicine...  NOW....... a dog that small can suffer tremendously , even die or become anemic from severe worm infestation..


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