
My puppy has worms again?>????????

by Guest57876  |  earlier

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how do i get ride of them

there round worms

she had them when we first got her she was dropped off starved and beaten

plz help cally




  1. Take the dog to the Vet. Sounds as if it she needs to go. Especially since it has been beaten. Round worms are long and brown.  Tape worms  look like pieces of rice. They do get  tape worms from swallowing fleas. The vet can check for heart worms also. If you get Interceptor MAX it does take care of tape worms also. Initially she needs to be treated for the ones she has. The Vet can do a fecal exam to determine what she does have.  Some of these worms can live in the groung for up to a year so you need to clean up after her when she poops. Not a pleasant job, but it needs to be done. Good luck.

  2. Have the vet examine her and prescribe medicine. Follow the instructions on the medicine box.

  3. Cally needs prescription medication from her veterinarian.  While you are there pick up a year supply of Interceptor and keep her on it year-round to prevent intestinal parasites.

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