
My puppy has worms crawling out her butt 2 weeks after treatment?

by  |  earlier

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it was about a inch long, white and kinda flat what should i do




  1. Could be a different worm than she was treated for or it could be that she needs a second treatment.  Please notify your vet so that you can get appropriate treatment for her.

  2. Tell your vet ASAP!

  3. some dogs need longer i had to treat my baby for 3 months before she got rid of them. not to worry

  4. yep, you gotta do multiple treatments sometimes so just take her back and keep going till the problem is gone, its a bummer, i know.

  5. Did your vet say anything to you about a follow up or did he send home oral meds? When an animal is treated for intestinal parasites the treatment kills of the adults only. The adults likely had time to reproduce before they were discovered so there will be eggs in the intestines as well. Once the eggs hatch the parasites can be killed hence the follow up or oral meds. Talk to your vet immediately about a re-check. Don't let it go on or the process will start again. The worms you describe sound like tapeworms (do they look sort of like rice?)which are caused by fleas. good luck.

  6. puppy are bad to get worms, if she is healthy otherwise worm her again right now, and make sure to keep her wormed.

  7. Your dog was probably treated for Roundworms.  Roundworm medication won't kill Tapeworms, which are what your dog has.  Tell your vet and have the dog dewormed again, for Tapeworms this time.

  8. shes getting rid of them, did your vet give this treatment? they need to be wormed every few weeks for awhile then put on heartguard

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