
My puppy is 17wks old and she still not got hang ov toilet training hav u any tips please?r=1219094282?

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My puppy is 17wks old and she still not got hang ov toilet training hav u any tips please?r=1219094282?




  1. How long have you had the puppy?  Sometimes it takes longer than others, as with kids.  It can be a tough time, but be patient.  I ended up setting a timer when my puppy was little and taking her out every 30 mins.  It ended up working, but took time.

  2. make a sticked scheduling to take the puppy out to the bathroom. Like 5-6 times a day, then praise fr going outside

  3. what breed?

    where did you get her from

    are you crate training?


  4. what kind of dog

  5. What's with the number?

  6. Some breeds just don't get the big picture.

    Everyone in the family has to work together.  She needs to be watch constantly.  If you have to leash her to your body so you can remember to watch her.  The minute she looks like she is hunting spot, grab her and take her outside.  Be sure she goes out at least every hour. Praise her for a good job and ignore the errors, Calm and no yelling. and no rubbing her nose in it.  

    Be sure that spots are cleaned and deodorized well, so she will go back to that spot again. You can get a good enzyme deodorizer at the pet store.

  7. I agree we need some more info. I've got a Cane Corso foster right now that is over a year old and still not house trained, are you useing positive rewards when the puppy potties outside? How often do you take her out? Does she give you signals like paceing,stopping and sniffing, whimpering or trying to get you to go to the door?

  8. your ssupid  a puppy can not be toilet trained

  9. Since you've had to put up with this problem for a while, can you wait a few more days for a sure cure?  There is a wonderful book called How to Housebreak Your Dog in Seven Days.  It's not a thick book.  It's easy to understand and follow. It works like a charm.  Everything you need to know is in the book so if you forget, you can just refer back to it.  You can buy it at and have them overnight ship it to you.  I heartily recommend it!

  10. buy a kennel and every time she pees on something bring her to the spot and make her sniff it and say no in a really Stern voice and putt her in the kennel...take her out in about 10 minutes no madder how much she barks or wines... you can not let her out....its like a time-out...

    I know this sound abusive but my dog when she was a puppy she was super bad!! and i did that and a few days later she stoppedd!!  

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