
My puppy is a collie and he thinks were he's toys?

by  |  earlier

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HE bites and tries to rip our stuff and makes evrything a mess at home




  1. thats because he is a puppy of an active/smart breed!

    this link is important for you to read...

    he needs MORE mental stimulation to keep his mind busy.. more teething toys too...

    remember this is a VERY smart/active breed - if you are not prepared to spend lots of time keeping the dog busy - he will look for things to keep himself busy

  2. Collie's aren't agressive dogs just really energetic, and need LOADS of stimulation and a firm hand, or they can be a HUGE handfull.

  3. spank him jus hard enough he knows not to do it...he'll learn

  4. Does your puppy have lots of toys of his own?

    Puppy's love to play and love attention. I would make sure that he has many toys and when he tries to rip your stuff, you can say "No" and then give him a toy and say "Good Boy".  It will take him awhile to learn this, but he'll figure it out.  

    Do you play with your puppy a lot? He might also be trying to get you to play with him.

  5. You should teach your puppy how to play and what he can play with.

  6. I hear this alot

    Put him in a crate in a seperate room from people when he rips up your home in 15 minutes let him out do this for 1 month after this process the dog should learn that if he rips stuff up that he will get put in a stupid crate. As for biteing it is a puppy you cant expect it not to play! When did you get the dog? cause if you got the dog too early he might not of been able to learn that if he bit one of the other puppies in his litter that they will squeal or bite him back.

    Hope this Helps-Animal lover

  7. All puppy's do what you call 'biting'. It is actually mouthing and if he's doing it to you he means he's accepted you as part of his pack, this is what puppies do to each other. If you want him to stop then whilst he is mouthing you make a high-pitched squeeking noise and this should stop him, this is what his brothers and sisters would have done and he'll know that he has gone too far. all puppies bite things whilst their teething so just try to move important things out of his reach and discourage this behaviour, hopefully as he gets older he will stop. Also when he does play with his toys praise him.

  8. When he does anything you don't want him to tell him off! When our dog does anything naughty we send her to her cage which she now understand is because she has been naughty. Now shes as good as gold!

    Good Luck

  9. He is a puppy and needs to be taught what he can and cannot do.  Puppies need a lot of training, a lot of exercise, and a firm but gentle hand to grow into well mannered dogs.

    I would recommend checking out a local puppy kindergarten class.  This will give him an outlet for some of his energy, get him in the "real world" with other people and dogs and also teach you how to train him properly.

  10. You have a bored collie. Collies need extensive exercise and training, with out it they will find ways to entertain themselves. I tired collie is a well behaved collie. They need a few good LONG runs everyday. You also need to get into obediance classes, and if at all possible a dog sport, they love agility. They need to have a job to do.

    You could also start crate training. If you are unable to watch your pup for a couple of hours then crate him. When he is out of his crate watch him at all times, if this means locking him in whatever room you are in, do so. When he chews things tell him NO! just once, never hit or even tap him, collies do not respond to harsh punishment. Then give him something appropriate to chew on Nylabones and Dental bones are great. Puppies teeth at around 4 months of age (give or take a few weeks) durring this time they need to chew things, make sure they have lots of toys. Buy a Kong, fill it with can dog food and freeze it and then give it to him, it will sooth his gums and keep him busy for almost an hour

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