
My puppy is a lezbain?????

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well we have just got a new puppy, a golden lab, shes adorable , we also have another dog, a jack russel...and yesterday i walked in on them and the lab was on top of the jack russel and the jack russel was tryin to get free..

The thing is they are both girls?


So like can you all give me some advice nd if its good ill vote you best answer!?!?





  1. your lab is a L*****n try buying a vibrator for it

  2. It's a dominance thing, i think. My desexed male terrier x does it to  my much larger Ridgeback x labrador all the time, and they don't really like each other that much.

  3. Your puppy is not a L*****n.  Dogs hump each other as a sign of dominance that has nothing to do with s*x.  Dogs don't rape each other.  In all of my 45 years I have never seen a homosexual dog.  The only reports I've heard of g*y or L*****n dogs were in fact only dogs doing dominance displays as yours did.  The best advice is just to leave them alone.  They will work it out between them which is the more dominant dog.

  4. As others have said, this is a dominance issue. Best bet is to tell her no and separate them for the time being.

    She needs to get the idea that this is not a good thing to do, especially when she's older.  

  5. haha wat millypee said...

  6. seeing as how they are both female, and i aint ever seen a strap on for canines, what besides your perverted imagination would make you think it was sexual? btw i think you meant L*****n.

  7. well a russel is smaler than your lab and it will not be the first time she is gonna get pinned down   the lab will get older and bigger tge russel will be pint size ,but that breed has a attude and yes ill bet theres g*y dogs out there and i cant determine that  so if you are totaly nervious abt the whole thing KNOCK B 4 entering  good luuck ladies  roc  

  8. dogs are like that with both sexes but i think theyr ok as long as the dont do it in public mabe introduce a dude to the picture *wink* =)

    i hope it works ok  

  9. it isn't just female b*****s that do it, all animals get up to it.

    Have you not seen two cows in a field "Humping one another"?

    I had a gorgeous Staffy years ago that won loads of Dog showing Competitions,  But when i was walking him, he would always try to "Hump" other Male dogs!!!!!

    I loved him to bits and really miss him, i thought that he was as "Bent as a five-bob note" but i have seen many other animals doing things like this since.

    Its probably because your Puppy is young, she's still learning and as not quite worked out her preferences yet.Just let them get on with it and enjoy your doggies company.

  10. I've seen this only a couple of times in my long life (3000 years) as I've travelled through time and the universe.

    The planet Bain is primarily a planet of male species, it has a neighbouring planet of Lez where only female species live, and there is an old folk story that something happened a few hundred years ago where some cosmic rays were blown from planet Bain and landed on planet Lez, included in the rays were seeds which promulgated a couple of the female species and changed their genetic strucure to believing they were males, this is indeed how 'LezBains' were first created. It is quite amazing that you have one of these rare specicies, please protect it carefully as one day the master from Bain may return to collect her, er him.

    Good Luck  

  11. It's nothing to do with s*x, humping is a dominance issue.

    Your Lab is just trying to show the Jack Russel that she is the boss, the dominant one, but the older dog should put her in her place and let her know who the real boss is.

    Whenever you see her doing it, tell her "No" and stop her, she'll soon get the message that it's not allowed.

    My two Labs are the same, the younger one does it to the older one, even though she knows she's not the dominant one she still trys.

  12. what on earth is a lezbain?

    L*****n you mean, ?

  13. hahahaha ..... I think you are obsessed and have a little too much time on your hands ..... it's more likely they were playing, after all your lab is a puppy, right? I really wouldn't worry about them.

    I would, however, worry about the state of your spelling. I mean, really ... lezbian? The word is 'L*****n', dear.  

  14. hm... when u want to lay wif ur dogs play with them in a separate time.. like when u want to play with ur gold. lab u keep ur jack R. T. in the cage and when ur done put ur Gold. lab in the cage n free the jack R. T. ... thats want i think u shud do.. if i have dogs like urs i will do this ..

  15. Your dog isn't a "lezbain." (I'll assume you meant L*****n.) Dogs do this to show dominance over one another.

    This behavior stopped in my dogs when I got them spayed. You should consider doing the same with your golden lab. It is the responsible thing to do and better for your dog's health, too.  

  16. Your puppy's just excited, just seperate them when you catch them and she'll soon catch on that it's wrong.

  17. The thing with dogs is that they are not trying to have s*x, they are just like human men, THEY LIKE TO HUMP THINGS. that is really the best way to put it.

  18. No she isn't, there isn't such a thing in the animal kingdom, with dogs it is just a sign of dominance, they are trying to see who will end up top dog. If your jackie doesn't want to be dominated, she will stop the lab, otherwise she will let her just get on with it, and know her place in the pack, you don't have to do anything, they will sort them selves out.  

  19. id suggest perhaps getting male dogs of the same breed when the females are in heat, and perhaps get them to stay with each other a fair bit, but keep the females away from each other, say in seperate rooms...

    that might fix it...

    hope it helps =D


  20. Absolutely not!  We are not talking humans here.  For sure, it's a dominance thing.  This pair need to sort things out between them and actually once JR has had enough of being squashed, will likely put puppy in her place.  Most older dogs won't attack a puppy, but I'd lay odds eventually there will be a reaction.  Perhaps separating them when you are not around might be a good idea, for the sake of the Jackie - crate?

    Meanwhile don't worry - ever seen cows in a herd? ... lol

  21. Grow up...first of all the word is spelled L*****n...secondly there isn't any sexual activity going on, your new Golden Lab is showing dominance over your Jack Russell, I suggest you buy a book about dogs and learn more about their behaviors, body language...needs, etc...since you clearly have no idea.

  22. the lab is being dominant. my 11 week old puppy will hump her mother, she is only being dominant.

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