
My puppy is crying when I pet her in a certain spot. Where do they usually insert an injection?

by  |  earlier

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She just had shots today.




  1. My dog had blood work done from one of his front legs

  2. There is no usual spot - some vets give it in the shoulder area, some use the rump.  If you weren't watching, there's no way to tell.  Just be careful for the next couple of days.

  3. She's sore from the shot. My dog has done it also.

    Don't pet right there for awhile.

  4. Is she a shelter dog? how low have you had her? I heard of a shelter dog who cried when you pet her neck because her old owner strangled her. that might be the problem, or she might have hurt her leg while playing.

  5. She probably hurt it some how maybe landing on it wrong if she was playing. Please stop putting her in that spot if she's crying. They do the shot under the collar line. Keep your eye on it and see if she's limping. Call your vet if it still going on by Monday.


  6. Sometimes in the neck fat behind their head. That's where they microchip too. Maybe add details and say where it is that you're petting her.

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