
My puppy piddles when shes excited.?

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We have a 13-15 week old girl puppy with piddles(pees) when she gets excited.Do puppys grow out of this?or will it continue as she gets older?and if so how could you break this habit?today we wakled in the door and she piddled and we tried not even to say hello to her so she wouldnt get excited.but again she peed!Will this continue?or can you break her habit? thanks!




  1. She could be showing an extreme form of submission or she could be excited. Is she wagging her tail happily when you walk in? Or is she holding her body to the ground and on her back?

    If she does the latter, she feels very intimidated by you and is showing respect. But if not, she just can't control her excitement (or bladder for that matter). She should grow out of it. If it continues for too long, please speak with a vet. She could have a health issue.

  2. Aw, like the other said, She might grow out of it .. or not,

  3. My rottweiler is 2 years old and he still does it when he sees my brother and my dad.

  4. Perfectly normal.

    How long had you been gone?

    They can only hold it a couple hours at that age.

    Have you looked into crate training?

    Most dogs will not soil in their crate.

    Of course this does not mean that you prolong their wait.

    Crate training is essential for a dog riding safely in a car, staying at the vet or ....See the site below for some help.

  5. well, some dog breeds seem to do it their whole life and sometimes if they are socialized properly they will grow out of it.cockers seem to do it forever and im just being honest.but maybe just take her out more, around people i mean and try to get her used to seeing people all the time and i hope she will get better.

  6. Yes

  7. My puppy is 6 months old and she only does that when my husband pets her. She just gets excited when he comes home. I just sit back and laugh when she pees on his shoes!!

  8. some puppies grow out of this but some dont.

  9. this is a common problem in female pups. Try to do what you are doing and not get her excited. Most dogs grow out of the problem. Pups especially have tiny bladders and when they get excited they loose control If it is submissive urination you can work on training with her. But you will not know until she gets a bit older and gains good bladder control.

  10. Yes she will, but you have to train her. My grandmother's dog did that whenever it thunder stormed and she was fully grown! Just wait till she gets a little older and if she still does it, you have to get some rolled up news paper and point it at the pee spot and shout NO! to her. then spank her bottom. Eventually she will stop. My dog peed whenever my uncle came over for some reason. but we did this and she stopped. =]

  11. Ah bless her! Please don't ignore her when you walk through the door - it won't stop her piddling, it'll just make her feel unwanted and unloved! She'll grow out of it i promise, for now she's just an excitable little girl who's delighted with her new family and loves everyone in it!!! Give her time and the piddles will stop - promise!

  12. First question would be is she house-trained?  Second would be, what breed is she?  

    Generally, the best approach is to keep your homecomings low-key, so as not to over-excite her.  Once you've got a little farther from the door, she should become a little less frantic about it.  Be mindful, however, that this is not uncommon behavior in puppies, and they do grow out of it.

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