
My puppy which I found , she stay in at night and out during the day my neighbors left me a note?

by  |  earlier

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today with no name no # it was very rude, it said my puppy was laying on their porach and on their flowers and bringing them rotted food go figure, the letter also said if i did not restrain my dog they would call authorites to pick her up, they have dogs also that c**p on my poarch and i dont care it is just a little dog, i live in ky if my dog has a collar and shots and in all night can they do anything




  1. they can take ur dog and fin u over 600 dollars

  2. Keep her inside,then, if you can't build a fence,or buy her a kennel and a doghouse so she will be safe.Anything could happen to her.Aren't you worried about her getting killed or lost? The neighbors have a right to complain. Dogs should not be allowed to run loose unattended.

  3. Legalities aside, how can you allow your puppy to roam at large.  There are so many dangers it can face, even in a rural area.  Surely, even if you are unable to fence your yard / property, you could build a secure pen to contain the puppy when you aren't there.  I live in a rural area, my property is fenced AND I contain my puppy in a secure and safe pen while I am at work.  Seriously, dog ownership is a responsibility, not a right.  It sounds like your dog will become another sad statistic.  I hope not for it's sake.

  4. Any dog running loose (not under its owner's control) is considered a stray. Yes, even if the person calling it in knows it's your dog. Any dog running at large (loose) can be picked up.

    The collar just gives them someone to contact to come and claim the dog and pay the fine.

  5. If your dog was able to roam outside your yard, and you have no fence, most likely there are some laws in your area against that.   Even if there were no complaints, your dog could get hit by a car, stolen, attacked by another dog.  Being in at night is great, just make sure he's safe during the day too, good luck.

  6. Well if they call someone and it fails they could personally harm your dog.

    If you truly cared about it you would take it out on a leash or tether it for short periods outside.

    There is no reason why it should be outside the whole day.

  7. Your neighbors are rude, call the authorities on them, before they do it on you.

  8. is your dog in the backyard if you let it roam the streets and they call the council you'll get a huge fine! If you want to let your dog out you should stay with it or at least take it for a walk so its not confined anymore/much

  9. you leave your puppy outside to roam free unattended?  There are cars, mean dog-hating neighbors and animals out there, and you are taking the risk with a puppy? Why?

  10. Yes, they can call someone.  You are responsible to keep your dog on your own property as they are as well.  Build her a fence and keep her home and safe.  Don't let your puppy get taken away and put in the pound!

  11. I live in VA and if my dog is on someones else property they can shoot it. I would suggest getting a fence or a kennel or something to confine your dog to your house. Or find the dog a new home.

  12. Unfortunately I think it's illegal to have your dog loose in a neighbourhood. I think that's because (although your dog might be the sweetest dog ever) some dogs are aggressive and might attack other people, and also for the safety of your dog so it doesn't wander out into the road and get hit by a car. To be on the safe side I would keep your dog on a long lead were it can only access your yard.

    And if your neighbours dog is pooping on your porch, maybe you should consider saying something to them about keeping their dog leashed!! I don't think it's right that they are complaining about your dog's behaviour when theirs is doing the exact same thing! But that's just my opinion!

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