
My purple asters started turning brown at the base and are now drying up completely? Why?

by  |  earlier

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All of my other plants in my yard are fine. These are almost three years old and have done great. now they are dying - just turning brown. Can anyone tell me what is going on?




  1. well asters are a palnt that  will die down to the ground after its flowering season,and return the next spring.mind you i am in australia and we may call different plants of luck,i'd cut them back .

  2. I had the same problem with 2 of my asters last year.  They turned completely brown making you think they were dead.  I just made sure to give them a lot of water and then I noticed green growth started to come out of some of the branches.  Then within a few weeks they were fine and flowered.  This may be the case with you so I'd wait a few weeks to see if they come back before you cut them.  

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