
My python is suing me as I dont provide live mice for him.Should I introduce him to the local rabbit warren?

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My python is suing me as I dont provide live mice for him.Should I introduce him to the local rabbit warren?




  1. LMAO i am over run with Rabbits bring them here!

  2. If you could introduce it to Paris Hilton, you'd be doing us all a favour.  

  3. let him loose in the sewers!

  4. No Mr R Warren doesn't do pythons, lol

    Good Luck.X :-)

  5. kill 2 birds with one stone and introduce him to your humongous gaping hearth.

  6. I seriously wouldnt worry too much about your python suing you regarding the live mice, in a law court it just wouldnt have a leg to stand on..

  7. haha cute....ur snake is suing u.....if only all animals had dat right

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