
My question, is there something wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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I keep my finger and toenail clippings?

I like to keep and file my nail clippings?

I have done this for two years and when I clip them and a nail gets away I feel devestated. I will look for it for several mimutes and I feel like I've lost a friend when I cannot locate it. When I'm done clipping I put them in a Ziploc and date it with a Sharpie. I then put them in a shoebox. A friend found the box that has my fingernail clippings in it, he brought it to my attention that this was not what normal people do. I'm just glad he didn't find the toenail box or he might think I'm weird.

I am 20 years old . I feel proud to have made such good friends ,my finger and toenails so I want to keep them.

I have names for each of my little nails friends.




  1. Whoa that's crazy. OCD for sure unless your just plain ol crazy.

  2. OCD & possibly a touch of schizophrenia

  3. sounds like an OCD type behavior. so technically yes, there is a little something wrong with you.

    EDIT: i just read the part where you say you named your nails. yes, you have a problem lol.

  4. hmm its strange but nothing to worry about.

  5. Yes you need help.

  6. obsessive-compulsive?

  7. There is something very wrong with you. Either A.consult a professional or B. hit your head with a hammer until you can't think anymore.  

  8. I'm sorry but that's not usual..

    kind of rare to find that kind of situation..

    but just because not other people do the same, doesn't make you wrong.. its just you ..i guess

    When you said you ...NAMED..them.. you kind of .. took me by surprise there..  

  9. OCD no not normal but you need help

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