
My question about fatima in yammer party was be reported yesterday?

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and i received the love latter from yahoo..and i cant read another 9 coment from think who did this?siot...i guest her....huh..




  1. HAHAHAHA!!! crab bless fatima

  2. I already told you, I work for Yahoo.

    We're now monitoring you dumbos and tagging your IPs to see which of you are turning terrorists after being in dumbo-islam for so long.

    Once we detect that, we will go your house and check you out for bombs and islamic terrorist dogmas.


  3. i did.

    nothing personal.

    i just did what's right.

  4. Fatima is someone who has no self-esteem and a champion when trashing others but cowered when other people trash him/her back.  Believe me, if we all did managed to make a party where everyone has to reveal themselves, this Fatima will be too chicken to face anybody.

  5. tula aku da ckp makan aiskrim lg best..yg ko asik nak kutuk c fatiiimah jahanam tu buat hapa..sekian..

  6. yes she should not be a shame of being a muslim

  7. die tu bukan

    malay pon.


    kje die ngutuk


    n muslim..

    report psl die

    plak tak

    boleh ke?

    geram btol.

  8. to:fatiiima

    what the h**l is this?????why you do such thing?

    is it malay will do the thing like that?

    u make all the malay feel shame about u!!!!!!!!

  9. i m sure fatima reported you

  10. He/She works for Yahoo? HAHHAHAHHA....kiss by pretty asss la! Perasan! Ada hati mau buat house check...pui! Geli paru paru aku!

  11. f**k her....

  12. I really really don't know what is happening now.........

  13. I guessed you would have guessed who has done it...

    Anyway, just continue to have fun in here and ignore those unnecessary comments...

    And a proverb for you --> Don't argue with idiots, they will take you down to their level and beat you with their experience.


  14. fatima... geli bila dgr that name

  15. To God up here (i mean the answerer, not the God up there...hehe), she is not Malay. Malay wouldnt be that ugly. Plus,Malay will never be that bad.  

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