
My question for those of you who are over 30 ...?

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A man/woman is as old as he or she feels himself to be, or..... Here is my question for those of you who are older than 30 years: The person you are today, do you think the person you were at the age of 17 or 18 would actually like you?




  1. I think the more relevant question is would I like the 17/18 year old me.  Not really.  I would feel sorry for that person.  I feel so much better about myself and more confident now than I ever did before I was 30.  Life after 30 is SOOOOO much better.  For me anyway.

  2. Yes and no.

    Yes because since my interests are basically the same my younger self and older self can definitely still hang out.While my ideals are the same as when I was younger, I've learned to not be so rigid in my point of view. So I am more open now to listen to the other side and actually relish in meaningful discussion on topics from people who have different views than mine.

    If I could have a discussion with my younger self, I'd ask why I was so sure of my views back then. Was it because it was what I truly thought or was it because it's what I was taught to believe? I would kick my *** to shape up and motivate myself into action.

    No because there are still some things I've not overcome. Shyness, fear and insecurities still come up and life just did not turn out as planned. Working on it for sure but my younger self would question where I went wrong. Haha.

    My younger self will see the good in me and smile but know that I am a work in progress. A diamond in the rough. Someone who is still unsure of themselves but trying to figure it out.  

  3. I think my younger self would heave a sigh of relief that my adult life actually worked out quite well. Especially that I never forgot I was young and that I respect the youth of today and their interests.

    But do I like what I was back then? Yes, I would love to turn back time and do it all again just the same way.

  4. I'm only 27. But that's sort of close to 30. And I want to answer the question.

    The 17 year old me would probably think the current me is really cool because I have since gotten better at everything I do, I've gotten more mature physically so that I actually look like a cool young man instead of a little boy, and I'm way more educated and experienced.

    As for the current me liking the 17 me- I would probably be embarrassed to be around him because he'd be such a little pretentious, experience-less, little boy that sucks at everything he does, yet thinks he's so deep. The embarrassment would come from knowing that he's me.  

  5. I think yes . i am cool enough but not a want a be . I worked in a high school before I became a mom last yr and the kids would come in the class room just to talk. And I am nice to others

  6. Hmmm?  I think so.  I am not so much different in some ways and I have always gotten along with people of all ages.  I try to be a good listener and I think that makes a difference in how people relate to one another.  Yes,  I am older and wiser but, I make a point of trying to be thoughtful when dealing with anyone, no matter what their age; listen, offer advice when asked and be considerate in the words you use to express your thoughts.  It should be that way with anyone; man, woman or child . . . people want to be treated as if what they have to say is important to whomever they are talking to.

  7. I have four more years deadline until I reach the magical "30"... but I do hope my younger me would like me. Even as my life has changed dramatically since I was 17. I changed to the better I would say. I am "family" now and need to set other priorities than while in school. As a youth I used to be judging without mercy: either I loved something or I would totally hate it. Today I see many things more openly. But peple who still act like teenagers when they´re actually over 30 - I think they are embarrasing. :)

  8. Nope, I wouldn've thought I was too liberal.

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