
My question is: How can the Obama supporters criticize Palin for only having about the same experience as..?

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BO, but he is running for President. He got a VP nominee with experience to compensate. If Palin should become President right away, wouldn't she just get a VP with experience?

I'm failing to miss your point that BO is qualified for the Presidency with 143 work days in the Senate, but Mc. Palin isn't qualified for the VP with the experience she has of being a governor for a couple of years?




  1. They were caught off guard and have no other arguments.

  2. Because Obama has made all sorts of promises of free this and universal that and people are turned on by this. It amazes me that so many believe in this guys theatricalities.

  3. obama supporters only follow the media and have not the slightest clue about whats really going on in this country...if they did, they would know NOT to vote for someone who has no clue on how to run a country!

    he will fail the USA miserably

  4. Its about the hypocrisy of John McCain.

  5. Because all the Obama supporters can think of is that magic word....CHANGE.  

  6. The REAL question is:  Why are you guys saying Palin is okay, when you have spent the past 8 months talking about how inexperienced Obama is?

  7. Because they have no idea what are they talking about.  

  8. obama's supporters are brainwashed by television. Very scary that they have no critical thinking skills.  

  9. Lol.

    That is just like comparing an inexperienced doctor with an inexperienced nurse.

    They are not in the same league. Before today the only concern of Palin are ice, reindeers and moose burgers. Before this day, Obama had already thread many serious and critical national issues.

    Republicans are soooo easy to rebut, easier than discussing math to a stubborn 3rd grader.  

  10. its really sad what the dems have to resort to....As far as im concerned Sarah P is a very honorable and not to mention hot women.

    They have no power over her..

  11. It's amazing to see the Republicans drink the kool-aid on this one. Obama actually has done a significant amount of work on bills in the FEDERAL government (Where the President works, mind you). Palin has been a mayor of a tiny town and governor of a state that has about as many people as a decent sized city in the lower 48. To say she has "Executive" experience because of this is mind-numbingly stupid.

    Palin has no concept or grasp of the type of politics of Washington and yet we are supposed to buy the fact that she is a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world. Obama has, at the very least, been in that environment.

    Even as an Obama supporter, I couldn't believe how poor of a choice this was. There were significantly better options than Palin, even if he wanted a strong, conservative, female Washington outsider.

  12. JP...please remember, it's difficult to have a battle of wits with unarmed libs

  13. Palin has made more changes in 2 years than Obama has his whole life.

  14. Obama graduated Magna *** Laude from Harvard Law School.  Then went to Chicago to help the disadvantaged.  He was a state senator in Illinois, and then a U.S. Senator.  He then successfully ran a presidential campagn that won the nomination away from the best political machine ever assembled.  His trip to the Middle east and Europe drew crowds in the tens of thousands and he met with leaders from all over the world.

    You compare that type of experience with a woman who ran for beauty queen, helped her husband catch fish, was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and has been governor of a state with a smaller population that the city of Dayton.  Today was probably her first visit to Ohio or even the midwest for that matter.

  15. It's because that for the past 18 months McCain and other Republicans have pounded the theme that experience counts.  By choosing Palin, he is basically showing us that he was a liar about that.  

  16. Excellent Question - The Fact is that it is completely logical to run a Ticket with the more experienced Candidate running for President & the less experienced Candidate running for Vice-President as the Republicans have done

    It is also a Fact that it is completely illogical to run a ticket " BACKWARDS " with the less experienced Candidate running for President & the more experienced Candidate running for Vice-President like the Democrats have done.

    The Democrats are tantamount to hiring an Office Clerk to run a Company & then hiring a CEO to assist the Office Clerk.

  17. She's not as divinely inspired as Obama.

  18. You are acting like the only thing Obama has done is 143 days in the senate.  What about his grassroots organizing on the streets of Chicago. That is important to a lot of people and it is not easy work.  Obama appeals to people and he has the power to unite.  I'm also encouraged that he is liked by international leaders.  Most of America does not know who Palin is.  It is obvious that she was picked because she is a young, attractive woman.

    Obama has his shortcomings, but he has experience at the local, state, and national levels.  His intenational experience and knowledge of foregn policy is getting better.  McCain just expects to "tutor" Palin on what she needs to know.  That isn't going to work.  I think when you put the two dems together compared with the two repubs togther, you come out with Obama and Biden having more experience.  

    Plus, she is still human.  She does have a 4 month old and four other children.  And, it was tacky for her to say she doesn't know what the VP does (although being the governor of AK is pretty "cool".)  She's pretty, but I'm not impressed.  

    Overall, Biden and Obama provide much more security.

  19. Dodging bullets unsuccessfully!  Once debating begins, I'm sure their relative voting records will be exposed along with bill sponsorships and Obama will be exposed to be a phony!  Taking credit for other peoples work is cheating and there's plenty of evidence backing that up! But Obamabots can't see through his rhetoric or they're just die-hard Democrats!

  20. They don't know what they're talking about. They just take one thing and run with it.

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