
My question is about Trinidad and Tobago carnival.?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know if it was asked since carnival this year. It was being said by some bandleaders this year that the carnival season is too short and it should be moved to later in the year to give band leaders more time for planning, designing and bring out the band. I think this thought is all about money. What do you think?




  1. First of all Carnival has been and always will be the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.

    Second: I don't want Carnival busting more into my Christmas.

    Third:  I think is 363 days from Carnival Tuesday to Carnival Monday?  So wha dey want? They want we to add another 10 days to the year.

    Fourth:  Tell them greedy Band Leaders to haul they @$$.

    I remember when a costume use to be $350 - $500 dollars max.  Now they charging $3,500 for cheap, cheap $h!t made in China.  Yes yuh get the all-inclusive and security but guess what?  It changing the face of mas.

    All yuh see who playing in them bands?  It surely a'int Izzy, Gibbsy (well maybe she. She from Valsayn. Nuff said), Frigg, or me.  If all yuh visit and see the pics yuh know what I mean.

    Listen, Carnival not country friendly no more.  Carnival is rich people and total greed now.  

    With that said yuh know I only complaining to all yuh.  The greatest show on earth is Carnival.............

  2. I think Carnival is fine where it is. If the band leaders want more time for design, then they should start putting things together on Ash Wednesday.

    I think they are motivated by greed and given the direction in which Carnival bands seem to be going ( bikinis, feathers, beads and other blame nonsense) in my opinion they need to get back in touch with what a Carnival band REALLY is supposed to look like and stop worrying so much about lining their pockets.

    If I only want to see "show girls" on the road for Carnival, I'll check out Rio thank you very much. Doh get me started nuh....

  3. Firstly, I done vex they cutting into my Christmas time.

    Next thing, how greedy can they be?

    According to T>S they done charging yuh ah setta money for de darn mass produced chinese costume, I ain't have nothing against China, but ah mean!!!

    And then to top it off, they making millions when they sell they "made in China" then they find the Government should give them more prize money??

    Hear nah, some bands does launch as early as June....what more time they need?

    Maybe if they were using the time to actually do the work theyself instead ah depending on China and then they just collecting it in the port, ah woulda say ok, I understand, but as far as I concerned, doh change no time frame, make less costume or something!!! h**l.

  4. carnival has become more commercial and profit geared, that it seems tht the bandleaders have forgotten about the purity of the fun and enjoyment of the event and also the simple person who looks forward to our greatest show. It too d**n short fuh dem cuz dey only thinkin about themselves and money money money. they have lost all sight and need a  good kick up their @$$ they rather have everythin made in china. WTF???????

    y not have ppl in ur own country do it. the wanna complain bout unemployment and the youth being on flams!

    why not employ ur own youth and country men to make de d**n costumes. it will maintain the purity of our cherished carnival and also will be cheaper for those who wanna play. win win situation. if dey do dat by all means ask for prize money. but sendin thing to china and pickin it up from de port is real mess. and quite frankly cheating. lol

    and dey shouldnt complain bout prize money

    so extending, moving the carnival season is bu££$hit!!!!!! and nobody want it to cut into their christmas time!!

    sort it out!!!!

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