
My question is about a spider i saw by my house in texas?

by  |  earlier

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i live in texas and today i saw a spider by my house that had the body shape of a black widow but the spider was a kind of a bright red color with a silver looking stripe on its back. does anyone know what kind it is. tried to look it up but didn't see any pics of it




  1. i don't know what kind it is but i live in Texas too.and i have seen many spiders before!

  2. i live in texas and never saw what you are saying. i wouldn't get near it though casue of the color being red sometimes colors mean they are poision and then its best to stay away. i am not sure and no picture it coudl help with what it was.

  3. call a pro

  4. get ur house sprayed asap i cant member what kind they are but they are poisonous and lay eggs like no other my friend a long time ago got bit by one and he bout lost his freakin arm it was crazy

  5. go to



  6. it waz tha 1 dat bit spiderman!hehe

  7. ive seen one like that, i am in arizona. dont know what they are though they are kinda scary!

  8. It may have been a Red widow that you saw...

  9. I've seen one that like in Illinois, actually... it's kind of interesting, but scary at the same time.

  10. Find out your one here -

  11. It could be a southern black widow juvenil. There is also the brown widow and red widow (Florida)

  12. Spider? Kyle, I think that's a personal problem.

  13. My guess would be a brown widow or a juvenile black widow.

  14. I'm not sure, but just go to Google and search "Texas Spiders." There might be a list with pictures. When I wanted to know what kind of spider was in my house in Illinois, I searched "Illinois Spiders" and I found it. (The spider in my house turned out to be a brown recluse >_<)

  15. Be very careful. I don't know what spider it is. There are very poisonous spiders in Texas. Several years ago a woman died from a spider bite. She put her slippers on, without checking and was bitten by a spider. She died. Always check your shoes, slippers etc. before you wear them. Good Luck.

  16. thats really creepy omg can it be poisonous??

    did you kill it!?!??!

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