I re-post this question because the original time I described the question in a bad way. This is the story, my little son(4 years old) broke his foot some days ago and we have to carry him everywhere, he´s going to get his real cast but the swelling increased because he tried to walk last night, we cannot contact his doctor, we don´t know what to do, my little boy is laying in his bed all day, he´s getting very cranky and we have to make him more happier. His mom and me are taking care of him alternatively, he always has someone with him. The problem is that we don´t know if giving him crutches is a good idea considering his age, if he manages to walk with it properly, it would be a great aid for an independent mobility, but if he doesn´t know how to use it, it may injure himself and this is that we don´t want at all. we don´t know what to do and I´m asking for your help, please parents help us!!! We are going to be awaiting for your answers. Thanks in advance