
My question is do children of Hispanic families that illegally entered the united states feel breaking the law

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes, they probably do.  Remember, we learn our moral and ethical code from our parents.  Consider what these children are learning.  That's why it is imperative that society be very clear that this isn't acceptable behavior in any way.  Otherwise, these children, as they grow feel justified in continuing the cycle of illegal activity and illegal presence.

  2. Your English is a little fractured.

    The children, if they are born on US soil, are not breaking the law because they are US citizens. Many people don't like that, but it is the law as it is interpreted by our courts.

  3. Yes they do feel it is acceptable because they are taught a life of crime, they are taught they can do what they please. They are not taught respect for anything much less anyone!!!!

    Report and Deport!!!

  4. As it stands, a baby born on U.S. soil is a citizen unless the parents are diplomats (the King of Thailand was born in USA as a diplomatic birth).

    If I had my way, the only births on U.S. soil that would be citizens at birth would be if parents are either citizens or legal resident aliens.

    I can agree with babies born to legal resident aliens being citizens at birth, but births to illegal aliens or mere foreign tourists is another story there.

  5. Funny, in this context 'exceptable' is almost the antonym to 'acceptable'

  6. That's a good question , because nobody asked this children if they want to be here, they were brought here with out even know it, let me put this question

    Do children of divorce parents are guilty of their parents problems???

  7. All illegals are "Hispanic"?

    All "Hispanics" are in this country illegally?


    I'm sure their parents have justified their actions so obviously....

  8. Yes,obviously they do. We see many adult children of illegals posting here who are illegal themselves because they didn't bother to change their status and be legal. The anti law abiding thinking just keeps getting passed along.

  9. I am not familiar with exceptable. It might mean "except" something, what ?

    Oh, THE LAW, right.

    Well, I understand that in the XIX century, according to THE LAW, you could own human beings. It was THE LAW.

    Also, more recently, until the 1970s, I think, it was illegal to practice public g*y practices. It was THE LAW as well

    Now, what do you say ?

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