
My question is for people who astral project is it ......?

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is it possible to attract negative energies while you're projecting if it's true what i see (cause it;s unbelievable) they are around and they can feed on your energy




  1. for the your need to use more than the ten percent currently in is possible to attract negative energy but not why you think...evil is tangible and attempts to remove good...if you are a good person evil will tempt to corrupt you...perhaps you should prepare a protection charm for yourself before attempting any further travels...there are alot of bad things out there looking for prey

    p.s. Wiccans were here long before the scientists and they (the scientists) still have yet to prove alot of things exist or dont so until there is empirical proof one way or the other naysayers should keep their opinions to themselves

  2. Yes

    It is possible to attract negative energy when in the physical or astral dimensions. However, remember that one of the primary guidelines of metaphysics is that of Resonant Frequencies.

    Our bodies, cells, and atoms all vibrate in a frequency concordant with our selves, when we come across discordant frequencies, we either deflect or absorb (muffle) them.

    Our attitudes and intentions can tilt our frequencies, either higher or lower.

    When spirit vibrates at higher frequencies, it is able to move higher, at lower frequencies, it sinks.

    You will attract similar frequencies. If you are negative or have unseen negative baggage when you AP, you can attract those frequencies.

    You only take on energy you invite, you cannot be invaded by vibration unlike your own.

  3. You appear a little confused.  The question is - unfortunately - complete gobledygook.  Astral projection is a fantasy like the Easter Bunny or telekinesis, with no evidence whatsoever to substantiate its reality.


  4. There are people that can astro project, and it has been studied.There is a approx.sixty precent accurrecy of the subject being able to recall their surroundings at a projection point without ever being there.

    There is no real proof that a person can astro project, as there is no proof there are souls. But there is proof that a person can discribe a place without ever being there.

    The part or negative energy being able to slip into a body while a person is astro projecting is very possible. If your out for a strool anybody can come a knocking. It all depends on whos more stronged willed to be incontrol.

  5. Negative energies--whatever those are--are every bit as real as astral projection.  If you think dreaming is actually traveling through the universe, then of course you will have no issue bestowing magical powers on perceived entities during these dreams.

  6. There are plenty of negs out there, but unless you're projecting somewhere really nasty they're generally all bark and no bite - humans are way higher up the food chain.

    Only the sort that can actually attach to you have energetic implications - succubi, squids and the like.  These guys can attach to you even if you don't project - most people have minor attachments of some sort.  If you're worried about these, best things to do are to become more spiritual (introducing vibrational incompatibility) and to practice energy work on the affected parts of your body.  The Astral Dynamics forums are a good resource for this.

  7. Yes and they come before the other energies as they are of low level and close to meditator.

    I would advise to find a system and a Teacher for not learning by your mistakes and sometimes this is more complicated than we expect.

  8. its not so much that your attracting them its just some times they can see you ans some cant. So when they do there just checking you out. But I've never heard of them feeding on your energy. Most ppl dont see anything, so what did you see?

  9. I agree with Luma, do some research & get a teacher/guide. There are lots of unseen & unproven things in our existence. Bacteria existed long before is was discovered by science & people got just as sick whether they believed in it or not. The same is true in the metaphysical arena.  You can have good intentions & attract something totally counter to what you might want, just because you didn’t know any better.  There are energies around us that we can not perceive with our senses that will at some point in time be verified, just like bacteria, just like the world being round, just like a host of other things that were considered fantasy that is now commonplace. Do your homework, there is a lot out there & around us, both good & bad.

  10. First I consider astral projection an older term with spiritual beliefs included for remote viewing of which despite the almost constant misinformation posted by YA skeptics there is evidence for

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    (link below).

    Second, I do not know if it possible to encounter negative entities but David Morehouse (former US military remote viewer) says he encountered them during his remote viewing sessions and talks some about it in his book

    "Psychic Warrior" (link below)


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