
My question is how come it is ok for a preschool to be able to not except my daughter?

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The preschool told me that unless she has special needs, or i make below income level she can not attend preschool. How is that fair, to me that is wrong, if they didn't let her in b/c she had something wrong with her, i could sue them. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. If your area doesn't have public preschool, the public school district is under no obligation to provide her with a preschool education.  Headstart is a federally funded program for low-income kids.  They can't accept everyone.  Special education services are available because those kids need early intervention or their problems will become worse over time.  Your daughter will be perfectly fine if she doesn't start school until kindergarten.  You can teach her many things at home, such as the alphabet and colors.  As a mother, you should be doing this anyway.

  2. I know that it's a frustrating predicament to be in, but it seems that the school in question is either a government funded head start program or a private preschool with specific criteria.  Income requirements are fairly common criteria and aren't illegal   for the most part.

    I think I read that you are a single mom, so I know that you've got to work to make ends meet so skipping preschool won't really solve your problem.

    To find lower cost childcare in your area, a really good thing to do is check out church sponsored child care centers.  Some offer very, very reasonable rates and have a commitment to helping people in your exact position...making too much for help, but too little for it to work.  

    If the preschool that is rejecting your daughter is indeed a state sponsored service, do a little more research.  Check out the states website regarding it and find out exactly what the requirements are and double check your ineligibility status and find out if there is an appeal process.

    Check for any nonprofits that might offer lower cost childcare or that can refer you to someone who can.

    Another option, that would require A LOT MORE CAUTION, is to find someone in a similar situation and maybe take turns.  Perhaps there is another single mom at your church or that visits your library mommy and me time or something like that.  I don't suggest leaving your kids with unsupervised strangers ...but maybe there is someone already in your circle that you find to be trustworthy that your daughter enjoys who can help you on your work days...

    Hope some of that helps, or at least gets your creative juices flowing...

  3. If it is a town run preschool they may have already reached there sign up quota, and are limited to spaces for special needs kids that require more education before kindergarten so that they won't be behind.

    I would suggest that you sign your daughter up for a private preschool.

    What you are asking is perfectly normal in most areas.

    If you cannot afford private preschool, then don't send her.

    Trust me there isn't that much they learn in preschool that will better prepare them for school. I wasted money on preschool, and my daughter is so bored in kindergarten. Teach her at home what you think she needs to know and everything will be fine. Find a playgroup for her, the toughest party of school for kids is the socialization, that is the important, all the other skills will follow.

  4. Here in the us, I have come to realize preschool is nothing more than the things you can teach and have fun with your daughter yourself. You should be happy that your daughter doesn't have "special needs" and the fact that you make too much money to quailfy someone else to get the pleasure of teaching her the abc's and 123 and to finger paint and nap on demand. teach her to tie her shoes and write her name and she is doing just as good as any special needs kid. good luck and have fun!!!

  5. If it's HeadStart or a similar program, they do have a lot of rules for admission.

    It sounds like you're in a very unfortunate financial bracket--just enough money so you don't qualify for government relief, but not enough to do much else. I'm afraid that's a pretty common situation.

    If I were you, I'd find out if the local YMCA/YWCA has a preschool program, or if your church has one.

    (BTW, if you don't have the money for preschool, you definitely don't have the money to sue.)

  6. I'm guessing that this is a funded head start type of program.  Check at the public school near you to see if they offer a pre-k program that is open to all students.  Also, alot of churches have preschool programs and you don't have to be a member of the church for your children to attend... but it's a matter of being able to afford it....   It is ridiculous that those of us who work hard aren't chosen first for these types of programs...

  7. You may choose any school that you want - the school is correct in saying that without disabilties, your child does not qualify for their program -that is a good thing that you have a typical child!  Now contact your local job and family services, as long as you are working or going to school while your child is in private preschool, and the private preschool in contracted with them, she can attend that preschool for free - Job and Family services will pay tuition and even the registration fee. Give it a try - preschool is too important to skip for your daughter.

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