
My questions about school, (: Please help? ?

by  |  earlier

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i've never had to be a new student,

wherever i went, i'd always know somebody.

But now, we're moving, and i have a choice, i can either

stay at my school that i know, until we move, (one month)

or i can go to this school starting september...

i'm starting to feel safer with 1 month at my school..

so, if you want you can help me with that choice,

but my problem is, i'm really scared, this has never happened to me,

so how do i make friends there? It's hard just going out and talking to people... So, please, help? D:




  1. most people at a new school great you and treat u more friendly than usual. i moved 5 times and every time i fit in with no problem i think that u should stay at your school for a moth to say goodbye to your friends and move on to bigger and better things. trust me you'll like it!

  2. No matter what happens in life.. your going to have to leave some of the people that you care about when it comes to friends.. I think that you should just move.. it will be easier than staying in your current school for one month and then having to leave them... I think you should just start a new "leaf"

  3. I would recommend you set a time to say good-bye to your friends first and then go to your new school in September.  It'll be easier that way because everything is new to everyone on the first day.  Leaving your old friends may be painful, but you can call them, email them, instant message them, or even write to them.  And maybe on school brakes, you can visit them!  Everything will fall into place at your new town, and you will make new friends and everything will be okay.  I moved out of state when I was four years old, but that doesn't really matter because I didn't really have any real friends in the first place because I was so little and I had no idea what was going on, but when I was four, my brother was eight, and my sister was almost 11, so they were very sad.  Both of them have great friends now (they are 15 and almost 18 now) and they are both very happy.  And in the summer and on brakes, they still visit their old friends.  And I have a lot of friends who moved here and everything is fine now!  It'll all be okay.

  4. well  u should go to the new school only because if u wait one month all the other new kids are already going to have friends if u go u can make friends with those new kids

    trust me there are going to be other new kids

  5. Hey x

    If i were you, i would start at September.

    I had to do the same thing.

    But  you know what, i'm actully glad i moved.

    My new freinds are wayy better than the ones in my old school.

    Good luck, and don't worry !!

    luv k8emn x

  6. I don't think you spend that month at your old school, cuz you feel less like an outsider if you start new at the beginning instead of 1 month in.

    Lucky for you [and me] there is always one person that goes to check out the new person, and hopefully you have something in common. It's kind of hard going up to a stranger and being yourself if your not sure if yourself is the type of person they'd hang out with. So maybe after getting acquainted and the introductions over, a light back and forth questioning would get some stuff out that you could have in common. :]

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