
My questions below............?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i had this pretty good conversation on myspace with this guy and he asked me what i liked to do for fun and everything and he also asked me if i was single and i told him yes and then he's been on myspace but he just hasnt writen me back in like 3 weeks but he has like 1,568 friends on myspace so do you think he was just using me for a conversation or what should i say to him? thanks for answering!




  1. Some people just like to talk.. and just because you had one nice conversation, doesn't mean he is under obligation. Maybe the conversation wasn't as great as you thought, or maybe he is busy with his other 1,568 friends...

  2. I'm going to break it to you .

    he was probably just using you for a good conversation .


    he likes you but is just not looking for a relationship right now .

    good luck to you :]

  3. owell. its not like u knew him personally. move on.

  4. i think most likely it was just conversation if it's been 3 weeks and he hasn't responded back then i'd just move on

  5. I had this problem until I deleted my myspace page 2 weeks ago.I think he was using you for conversation.

  6. maybe he's busy with other girls on myspace

  7. he's a myspace w***e.

  8. i think hes a pimp

    i bet he just used yu for a conversation

    move on

    maybe message him saying hi or something or havent talked to yu in so long. if he doesnt write back then definatly move on

    good luck

  9. He's probably using you for conversation.  

  10. well maybe he's been really busy?

    don't wait for him to start up the conversation

    again (who knows how long that might take?)

    message or comment him back.

    see if he replies.

  11. He must have to much time in his hands to not make any time for you.He is most likely not worth the while, I would just move on to find some one who is more available instead of some one who  invests all his time on the computer.There are other fish in the sea.Good luck on finding the right one.

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