
My "Atheist" Friend. Is he really atheist?

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Now, my friend used to be a Christian, but he decided that his life was getting worse and worse after he accepted Christ. So now he's rejected him. I think he MAY believe, because he still comes to church. That makes me think that he MUST have some hope, and MUST know that his path is wrong otherwise he wouldn't be coming at all. What do you think?




  1. Hope and belief are two completely different things. I have spent a large portion of my life in the same quandary. I was raised Lutheran and for a huge number of reasons, stopped believing in G-d.

    It was just recently that I went to a website called and took the belief-o-matic test. I was surprised to find out that my belief system and moral code lies closely with Reform Judaism.

    I have started studying Judaism and much of what I have learned makes sense to me.

    At this point, I consider myself agnostic. I am still trying to convince myself that I was wrong all these years and that there really is a G-d. I just can't seem to light the spark on my belief. Everything else about Judaism fits me so well, that it is encouraging to know that there are agnostic and atheist Jews and that I would be welcome in the Jewish traditions, regardless.

    Have your friend take the test. He might find that there is more to his beliefs than he realizes. It is possible that he just hasn't found the true belief that he seeks and therefore has written off G-d altogether.

    Good luck, I hope this helps.      

  2. It;s hard to fight off Christ after experiencing him. Common myth number 1. Once you become a Christian, God will solve all of your problems.

    2. Bad things don't happen to truly godly Christians.

    His faith is still in it's infancy. If he keeps an open mind he will see how God can work for the good through life's hard times. He's angry at God which is fine. But God will keep calling him. Suffering is part of being alive.

  3. There's something called a "Closet Atheist." I am one. I have not shared my thoughts about the non-existence of God, except to the good people of Yahoo!Answers. It is actually here that I first saw the light [not the holy light though!]. It had never really made sense to me before, but now I know why. I try so hard because my parents are recent converts to Christianity and it has helped them so much, not neccisarily the God part, but knowing that there is a group of people who will always be there for you. I don't want to lose my people [all my friends are DEEPLY devoted] so I just sort of...wade. Not to deep, not to shallow. Just like your friend.

  4. I used to go for the free orange juice and biscuits at the end. Could just be that.


  5. Hit him over the head a couple of times with your Bable and make him come to his senses

  6. Yes, you are an idiot.

    Leave the poor guy alone.

  7. NO he isnt....comfort him and encourage him..

  8. Your friend was never saved in the first place, once you have repented and put your trust in Jesus only, then you will be made new, born again. You can't encounter God and not be changed.

    There are no such things as atheist, they are all agnostic. An atheist by definition says that "there is no God." That requires that person to have all knowledge about everything, everywhere. It is more true when they say "with the limited knowledge I have, I think there is no God."

    That is a fair statement, an honest thinking atheist would have to admit that there is the possibility that God exist in the area of knowledge they do not have. They probably wont, to save face.

    As long as your friend breathes, there is hope.

  9. It's up to him, not you. And I'll thank you not to call atheists beliefs "wrong" when you have no evidence whatsoever to support your claims.

  10. I'm heathen.  I've gone to my parents' church for some of their functions because it is my duty as their son to participate in their lives and part of their life is the church.  Some people who aren't christian also go to church to participate in their community and guarantee the bonds that keep the community together and strong.  Some go for the entertainment.

    I'm sure it makes you feel better to think that he still believes, but you need to accept the fact that you are quite possibly just lying to yourself.

  11. your an idiot.

    let him believe what he wants too.

    a true friend would want him to be happy.

    quit thinking your better than everyone.

  12. I think it's no one's business but his own.  

  13. Maybe he just goes for the crackers.

  14. Faith - Hope - and Charity.

    Everyone has hope.

    God can pardon the unpardonable. Charity.

    Faith is belief in the impossible.

    These virtues are mysteries that appear when necessary.

    God love you!

  15. Possible agnostic.

  16. Is he with his mum?

    If he is he's being dragged.

  17. Wow.  If I had a friend that didn't believe anything I said,I'd ditch them.


  18. i think he is just being weak, you need to talk to him and tell him that being a christian it´s not easy, remember everything what Jesus went trou and he never complain, maybe he is just being tested to see how strong his faith is, and he is not a atheist because he knows there is a God, he just don´t want to follow him.  

  19. An atheist is strictly one who doesn't believe in god. A true atheist wouldn't attend church. Your friend must actually believe in god and is still hoping for redemption.

  20. You can't prove that any path is better or worst than any other path.

  21. Why don't you ask him?

  22. Sadly if he is denying Christ He is in trouble. But I think you already know that. Keep praying though, with God all things are possible:)

  23. How was his life getting worse, and how could he assume that it was BECAUSE he was Saved? I think that he knows this, and that he's just angry. Just give him time and be there for him, and support him coming to Church. Offer to listen if he needs to talk. I think he will come around in time.  

  24. Well, whether your friend believes in Christ or not is something that he needs to figure out for himself. Sometimes, people go through periods where believing in God is not something that they are willing to accept, but, that they are still drawn to the teachings (going to church or bible study) and look to them for guidance. I sometimes feel the same way, I love going to church and I get a sense of refreshment for the coming week by taking some time for renewal with God's ideas. But, I didn't grow up in the church and I feel like my ideas conflict a lot with other Christians and that's where I take a step back and let myself take in Christianity as a learning experience. I figure eventually I may accept Christ as my personal savior, but, I just don't know when that time will come. I wouldn't worry to much about your friend, he needs to decide these things on his own!

  25. Well me dear right i can say that one of his foot is inside the church and the other is outside and is either he get some spirtually or snap out of it.

  26. alot of people go to church for the wrong reasons

  27. mm, we can't really know for sure. Maybe when he accepted God's grace he really didn't mean it. If he did however, he's still a Christian. I hope he doesn't go to church just to go through the motions or have a social event, but rather he's seeking something. Have faith that God will call em and pray continually.

  28. Maybe he WANTS to believe but he can't.

    I don't believe in god and i'm fine with that.

    Don't give me thumbs down for that either, I answered the question

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